
rù jìng
  • Entry;enter a country
入境 [rù jìng]
  • [enter a country] 进入国境

  • 入境登记

入境[rù jìng]
  1. 入境船舶靠泊检疫工作与口岸综合卫生条件关系的研究

    Investigation on the relationship between quarantine at berth for ships enter a country and comprehensive sanitation condition of port

  2. 政府对移民入境采取了强硬的态度。

    The government has adopted an aggressive posture on immigration .

  3. 他们走私钻石入境时被发现了。

    They were caught smuggling diamonds into the country .

  4. 我不能入境是因为我证明文件不齐备。

    I couldn 't enter the country because I didn 't have all the necessary documentation .

  5. 旅客通过入境检查后领取了自己的行李。

    The passengers went through immigration control and collected their baggage .

  6. 他们已经入境该国,并申请了永久居留权。

    They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence

  7. 没有签证的西方人不能乘飞机入境。

    No westerner could fly in without a visa .

  8. 两个女人都曾雇过非法入境者照看孩子。

    Both women had hired illegal aliens for child care

  9. 官员们希望通过减少外国人入境的数量来使局势平定下来。

    Officials hoped admitting fewer foreigners would calm the situation

  10. 日本已经全面禁止国外非熟练工入境。

    There 's already a blanket ban on foreign unskilled labour in Japan .

  11. 不管有没有签证,他们都不会让你入境。

    Visa or no visa , they won 't let you into the country .

  12. 给他们办理入境和通关手续只用了短短几分钟时间。

    They are whisked through the immigration and customs formalities in a matter of minutes .

  13. 官员们接到指示,放宽入境规定。

    The officials have been instructed to loosen up on the rules for admitting people into the country .

  14. 海关凭原入境申报单查验放行。

    Customs clearance shall be based on inspection of the original declaration made at the time of entry .

  15. 两个女人都曾雇过非法入境者照看孩子

    Both women had hired illegal aliens for child care .

  16. 我们把偷渡入境的外国人驱逐出境

    We deport aliens who slip across our borders .

  17. 15.暂时停止外国人持目前有效来华签证和居留许可证入境

    to temporarily suspend the entry into China of foreign nationals holding valid visas or residence permits

  18. 第二章入境

    Chapter II Entry into the Country

  19. 不幸的是,你不能带奶酪入境。

    Customs official : Unfortunately , you are not allowed to bring cheese into the country .

  20. 第十条中国政府主管机关根据外国人申请入境的事由,发给相应的签证。

    Article 10 The competent authorities of the Chinese Government shall issue appropriate visas to aliens according to the purposes stated in their entry applications .

  21. 第二条外国人入境、过境和在中国境内居留,必须经中国政府主管机关许可。

    Article 2 Aliens must obtain the permission of the competent authorities of the Chinese Government in order to enter , transit or reside in China .

  22. 外国的交通工具入境、出境、边境,必须从对外国人开放的或者指定的口岸通行,接受过防检查机关的检查和监护。

    For entry , exit and transit , foreign-owned means of transport must pass through ports open to aliens or other designated ports and must be subject to inspection and supervision by the frontier inspection offices .

  23. 国内中高风险地区及全域实行封闭管理的人员,原则上不能进京。国内其他口岸入境人员满21天方可进京。

    Entry to the Chinese capital will be declined for those from domestic medium and high-risk and lockdown areas , while inbound travelers entering the Chinese mainland via other cities must wait for 21 days before visiting Beijing .

  24. 同中国政府订有签证协议的国家的人员入境,按照协议执行。外国对中国公民入境、过境有专门规定的,中国政府主管机关可以根据情况采取相应措施。

    The entry of nationals from countries having visa agreements with the Chinese Government shall be handled in accordance with those agreements . In cases where another country has special provisions for Chinese citizens entering and transiting on the circumstances .

  25. 据俄新社报道,因队内按摩师新冠病毒检测呈阳性,俄罗斯7人制女子橄榄球队被隔离,南非男子橄榄球队部分队员也因入境航班上发现一例病例而被隔离。

    The Russian women 's rugby sevens team were also in isolation after their masseur tested positive for COVID-19 , the RIA news agency reported from Moscow — as was part of the South African men 's rugby team after a case on their inbound flight .

  26. 对由汕头港入境的出国回归人员HIV感染者的分析

    An analysis of persons with HIV infection of returning from abroad who passed through Shantou Port

  27. 上文未列出的本次入境的其他所有货物无需fda检验。

    All products in this entry not listed above may proceed without FDA examination .

  28. 星期一卫生部新闻发言人毛群安称中国已经着手修改现行的限制HIV携带者入境的法规。

    China has started revising the current laws and regulations that ban HIV carriers from entering the country , health ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said on Monday .

  29. 国土安全部没有wheeler入境的纪录。

    Homend security has no record of Wheeler entering the country .

  30. 以此回答企业所得税改革对于我国入境FDI水平是否有影响,并进一步,造成何种程度影响的问题。

    According to the above analysis , the paper answer the question whether the CIT Reform will have any impact on the inward FDI level to China , and furthermore , to what extent .