
  1. Cockburn的阐述从一项基本断言入题&设计活动的关键产出是创造知识

    Cockburn introduces the topic by asserting the basic idea that the key output of design activity is knowledge creation

  2. 紧扣课文,从季节入题,小组交流自己最喜欢的季节和其中的节日,引出课文主题。

    Ss do a riddle game about season to draw out the subject of our title .

  3. 因此,我马上入题:我们挑战你去某个人们正在死去的地方作义工。

    So I 'll just get right to it : We challenge you to volunteer in a place where people are dying .

  4. 本章从矿业权的基本概念入题,首先介绍了矿业权的定义和构成。

    From the basic concept of mining right in this chapter , I firstly introduce the definition of mining right and composition .

  5. 本文首先由文献资料找出颜色与方位是否有其相关性作为入题的探讨。

    Firstly , the author tries to find out if there is any relation between the colors and orientations of the deities from documents .

  6. 就历史题材电视节目的研究状况而言,应该说做好了铺垫却尚未正式入题。

    Speaking of the television program of historical theme , it should say that the upholstery is ready but actually not yet officially to enter the topic .

  7. 首先,从城乡统筹规划的内涵及重要意义入题,进而阐述了城乡经济统筹规划的含义及为我国城乡经济发展带来的契机。

    First , from the urban and rural planning into the meaning and significance of issues , described the meaning of urban and rural planning and co-ordinate planning for urban and rural economic development opportunities .

  8. 第一部分,主要介绍选题的背景和意义、工程项目管理的发展、行业管理及研究现状等三部分内容。直接入题,指出课题研究的可行性和必要性。

    The first part , mainly introduced the background and the sense of the topic , the development of project management , industry management and the status of relative research , stated the feasibility and necessity of this research directly .

  9. 第一章从回顾发展经济学重要的经济增长理论入题,着力讨论技术进步因素对经济增长,尤其对可持续经济发展的重要贡献及其影响途径。

    It begins with review of most important economic growth theory of DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS , and tries every means to probe into the contributions to economic growth made by the factor of technology progress and the way how it plays its key role .

  10. 首先,从理论角度入题,重点阐述物流园区建设的概念,物流园区的理论界定与发展历程,以及物流园区的开发模式,整体认知现代商贸物流业,增强其理论吸引力。

    First , starting from theory point , focusing on the concept , the theoretical definition and development history and model of logistics park development , it is ensured that we have a total understanding of modern commercial logistics , and strengthen its theoretical appeal .

  11. 首先从景观技术建构的设计理念与技术改造方面入题,研究景观设计如何利用方法的变更与技术的结合形成具有具备功能完备、适于游憩、生态美观的城市景观。

    First , from the construction of landscape design concepts and technical aspects of technological innovation into the question , how to use the method of landscape design and technology changes have combined to form a fully functional , suitable for recreational , ecological and beautiful city .

  12. 本文从建设生态文明这一理念入题,对松江发展旅游体验经济进行可行性研究,努力找出一条整合传统产业形态,从而实践生态文明建设的途径。

    This article stars from the " building of ecological civilization ", then analyzing on the Songjiang economic development of tourism experience to conduct a feasibility study to try to find a form of integration of traditional industries , which in practice , means the building of ecological civilization .

  13. 入世三题&对我国加入WTO后经济面临问题的探析

    Three Matters on Entry into WTO-Analysis of our country 's expected economic problems after its entry into WTO