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  • 网络Uriel;Archangel Uriel
  1. 我请求你谈谈乌列尔的信息。

    Azreal , I ask you to speak to the message from Uriel .

  2. 乌列尔据说在大天使中是最机智的。

    Uriel is described as being the swiftest in wisdom of all the Archangels .

  3. 我的问题告知大天使乌列尔“为什么会发生这样的事情,为什么我感到如此的无助”。

    My question to Uriel was why did this happen and why do I feel so helpless .

  4. 我是乌列尔,今日在此提醒你们,你们全部是正在形成中的觉察者。

    AM Uriel , come this day to remind you that you are all visionaries in the making .

  5. 乌列尔被认为是当发生天然灾害时来帮助我们的天使,召唤祂来避免灾害或者在灾后疗愈、重整。

    Uriel is considered the Angel who helps us with natural disasters and is called for to avert such events , or to heal and recover in their aftermath .

  6. 乌列尔常与代表自然、野生动物、勇气的亚列尔混淆,祂也是大地精灵的看护者。

    Uriel is often confused with Ariel , the Angel of nature , wild beasts , and courage , who is also credited as the overseer of the earth spirits .