
zhèng zhí
  • honest;upright;fair-minded;upright and outspoken;rectitude;probity
正直 [zhèng zhí]
  • [upright and outspoken;honest;fair-minded] 公正刚直

  • 正直无私

正直[zhèng zhí]
  1. 爸爸是我所见过的最正直的人。

    My dad was the most honest man I ever met

  2. 诈骗犯经常会被正直守法的朋友和邻居告发。

    Fraudsters are often shopped by honest friends and neighbours .

  3. 这家报纸的主编被指责为不够正直。

    The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity .

  4. 他是一个能干、正直、虔诚的人。

    He is an able , right-minded , and religious man .

  5. 他是个正直的商人,完全可靠,不会被收买。

    He was a sound businessman , totally reliable and incorruptible .

  6. 我一直认为他正直诚实。

    I have always regarded him as a man of integrity

  7. 没人怀疑他的能力、勤奋和正直。

    No one doubted his ability , his industry or his integrity .

  8. 他的公正和正直操守受人称道。

    He was praised for his fairness and high integrity .

  9. 你看起来像是一个正直的好青年。

    You look like a nice upstanding young man .

  10. 梅休是一个正直可靠的男人。

    Mayhew is a man of rock-solid integrity

  11. 谈到这个人的时候自然会想起“正直”、“诚实”这样的字眼。

    Integrity and honesty are words that spring to mind when talking of the man .

  12. 我们一直都认为他是个正直而且业务能力很强的人。

    We 've always regarded him as a man of integrity and high professional competence .

  13. 他们说政治家身上最重要的美德就是正直、得体和诚实。

    They said the greatest virtues in a politician were integrity , correctness and honesty .

  14. 他的正直是无可争议的。

    His integrity was unchallenged .

  15. 他是一个正直高尚的人,总是愿意尽其所能帮助他人。

    He was an upright and noble man who was always willing to help in any way he could

  16. 人们认为别人是诚实正直的,所以骗子很容易行骗得逞。

    People expect others to be honest , which is why conmen find it so easy to hoodwink people

  17. 他是个极其正直的人。

    He is a man of the highest integrity .

  18. 他文质彬彬、谦恭有礼、正直体面。

    He was urbane , courtly and honorable .

  19. 正直的公民不应有的行为

    Conduct un-worthy of a decent citizen

  20. 只有正直的人才有朋友。

    Virtuous men alone have friends .

  21. 这个人非常正直。

    The man is very upright .

  22. 我们正在寻找老实正直的年轻人投递报纸和杂志。

    We 're looking for honest young people to deliver newspapers and magazines .

  23. 大学曾经是正直的象征,文明的堡垒,仁爱的捍卫者阵地

    They once were icons of integrity , citadels of civilization , bastions of benevolence .

  24. 唯有美好而正直的心灵,

    Only a sweet and virtuous2 soul ,

  25. 正直是他最好的品质。

    Honesty is his best quality .

  26. 他坚持认为,当政府宽容罪恶时,“正直人的真正去处是监狱”

    When government condones evil , he insists , " the true place for a just man is a prison . "

  27. 几架飞机原本正直冲着彼此飞去,直到交通指挥员改变了它们的航向才避免了惨剧的发生。

    The planes were flying directly towards each other until the traffic controller changed their flight paths and avoided a terrible accident . '

  28. 屈利劳尼,大夫说,我认为你物色到了两个正直的人—船长和约翰·西尔弗。西尔弗,没错,乡绅说。

    Trelawney , said the doctor , I believe you have managed to get two honest men on board-that man , and John Silver .

  29. 不管他们怎么说,要在事业和家庭方面同时成功几乎是不可能的,或同时兼顾名气和正直。

    whatever they tell us , it 's almost impossible to succeed with a career and a family , or with popularity and integrity .

  30. 警官继续说:“很好,约瑟,你注意到你的左方有1000名敌兵正直冲你奔来,你会怎么办?”

    The sergeant continued , " Okay ! On your left , Jose , you notice 1000 enemy soldiers heading straight at you . What would you do ? "