
  • 网络saturation index;LSI
  1. 水-岩作用模拟中饱和指数SI的灵敏度分析

    Sensitivity Analysis for Saturation Index with Respect to Water-Rock Interaction

  2. 充入CO2气体能使碳酸盐饱和指数也降低为负值。

    Thus , the saturation index of carbonate can be lowered to a negative value .

  3. C57BL/6小鼠胆结石形成中固醇载体蛋白2的mRNA水平和胆固醇饱和指数增高

    MRNA of SCP 2 and cholesterol saturation index are increased during gallstone formation in C57BL / 6 mice

  4. 络合物的存在对饱和指数SI值具有重要影响。

    The important affection of the existent complexes on saturation index SI value is illuminated through a case .

  5. 携带X+等位基因的胆石病人胆汁胆固醇摩尔百分比和胆固醇饱和指数高于X/纯合子病人,而总脂质降低。

    Cholesterol gallstone patients with X + / genotype had higher biliary cholesterol molar per - centage and cholesterol saturation index but lower total lipids as compared with the patients with X / .

  6. 结果发现,在碳酸钙大量快速沉积前(方解石饱和指数SIc小于1.0),向下游方向,水的CO2分压降低,pH值和SIc升高。

    It is found that before mass precipitation of calcite was produced ( or SI < 1.0 ), CO2 partial pressure in water decreased and pH and the calcite saturation index increased downstream .

  7. 以化学热力学的基本原理为基础,结合具体工程实例,综合分析了水化学分析数据误差的传递及其对饱和指数SI值的影响,饱和指数SI反映了水岩系列间的相互作用。

    The saturation index ( SI ) is an important thermodynamic parameter to identify the state of interaction between water and rock . The error transmission of hydro-chemical variables and its effect are analyzed based on the chemical-thermodynamic principle .

  8. UDCA能够在降低胆固醇饱和指数的同时,也降低APN活性。

    UDCA therapy not only decreases CSI ( cholesterol saturation index ) but also lowers APN activity in gallbladder bile of patients with cholesterol gallstones .

  9. 对一维NFM拟合得到的饱和指数表明,三个相空间变量对质心能量的依赖存在很大的差异性。

    After fitting the results with saturation equation , the saturation exponents show that , the energy dependence of the three phase space variables are quite different .

  10. 电导测定结果,质膜透性减少,可见渗调有利于膜的修复。与此同时,渗调种子的膜脂脂肪酸不饱和指数(IUFA)比对照种子高。

    As the Cold resistance and vigour raised , the permeability of membrane was decreased and the index of unsaturated fatty acid ( IUFA ) in membrane lipid was increased .

  11. 对研究区所取水样进行离子成分分析,计算其水化学类型、饱和指数、PCO2等,结合地下水监测,了解研究区所处的水环境条件。

    We could find out water environmental condition of the area by analyzing the ion composition and calculating the type of water chemistry , saturation index , PCO2 , combined with groundwater monitoring .

  12. 本文介绍一种根据水质pHs值及相应的饱和指数、稳定指数而建立的pH-pHs模型,依照该模型将水质区分为腐蚀型、结垢型及稳定型水质。

    A pH-pHs diagram be on the pHs values and saturation and stability indexes of water samples has been created for predicting water corrosivity and scaliness . A water is refered to as corrosive , scaling or stable one according to the region it appears on the diagram .

  13. 为此,我们通过对三个一维NFM的饱和指数、相空间的Hurst指数以及三维NFM标度特性之间的关系的研究,提出了高能碰撞多粒子末态相空间系统分形特性的一般性判据。

    After research on the three saturation exponents of the one-dimensional NFM , the Hurst exponent , and the three-dimensional NFM scaling feature , we propose a criteria to determine the fractal feature in the high energy collision multiparticle final state phase space .

  14. 在低盐浓度下棕榈酸、亚油酸降低,油酸、硬脂酸、亚麻酸相对含量及IUFA(脂肪酸不饱和指数)提高。

    The relative content of palmitic acid and linoleic acid decreased at low concentration of salt , while that of stearic acid , oleic acid and linolenic acid and IUFA ( index of unsaturated fatty acid ) increased .

  15. 为了开发微生物油脂生产微生物柴油,以胶红酵母油脂为材料,以脂肪酸不饱和指数(UIFA)为指标,探讨了微生物油脂生成脂肪酸甲酯工艺的影响因素。

    To produce micro-biodiesel from microbial oil , transesterification conditions were studied using oil from Rhodotorula glutinis as raw material using unsaturation index of fatty acid ( UIFA ) as index .

  16. 非等距饱和指数曲线参数的灰色辨识及其应用

    Grey Identification of Non-equidistant Saturated Index Curve and Its Application

  17. 反应条件指数及其与饱和指数的关系初步探讨

    A primary study of reaction condition index and its relationship with saturation index

  18. 亚麻酸与脂肪酸不饱和指数呈极显著的正相关。

    There was significant positive correlation between the linolenic acid and the IUFA .

  19. 基于化学热力学的饱和指数模型求解方法的改进

    Modification of solution method of the saturation index model based on the chemical thermodynamics

  20. 岩溶水动态、矿物饱和指数与水源地选择

    Karst water regime , mineral saturation index and the selection of water resource site

  21. 矿物饱和指数在确定水源地最佳勘探地段中的应用

    Application of mineral saturation index in determination of optimum exploration site of water source

  22. 前剂量饱和指数法测定中国瓷器年代

    Thermoluminescence dating of Chinese porcelain using a regression method of saturating exponential in pre-dose technique

  23. 石英的粒度对其前剂量热释光效应的影响前剂量饱和指数法研究

    Influences of the Different Sizes of Fine-Grain Quartz on the Thermoluminescence Dating of Quartz Pre-Dose Technique

  24. 前剂量饱和指数法测定瓷器的热释光年代

    Thermoluminescence dating of porcelain using a regression method of saturation exponential in pre - dose technique

  25. 通过计算饱和指数,确定溶质水解沉淀的水文地球化学条件临界值。

    Moreover this apper studies hydrogeochemical critical value of solute precipitation according to compute saturation index .

  26. 图示法及饱和指数法在坝址环境水质分析中的应用

    Application of charting method and saturation index method to the environmental water quality analysis of dam site

  27. 南极洲万达盐湖水中方解石饱和指数的垂直变化及其控制因素

    Vertical variation and controlled mechanism of the saturation indices for calcite in Vanda Salt Lake water , Antarctica

  28. 本文介绍了应用岩溶水碳酸钙饱和指数进行水文地质分析的基本原理、技术要求和所取得的主要成果。

    The basic principle , technical requirements and results for the analysis of hydrogeology by using calcium carbonate saturation index are introduced .

  29. 胆石组病人胆汁胆固醇摩尔百分比和胆固醇饱和指数显著高于对照组,而总脂质降低,差异具有统计学意义。

    The patients with cholesterol gallstone had statistically significant higher cholesterol molar percentage and cholesterol saturation index in bile but lower total lipids .

  30. 应用饱和指数法可预测碳酸盐结垢的趋势及腐蚀的大致趋势,用热力学模型可以预测硫酸盐结垢的大致趋势。

    The fouling and corrosion tendencies of carbonates can be predicted by saturation index technique and fouling tendency of sulfates by thermal dynamic model .