
  • 网络Well Read
  1. 黄远生出生于书香门第,从小就饱读诗书。

    He was born in the scholarly family and well-read .

  2. 而且她必须饱读诗书

    And , of course , she must improve her mind by extensive reading .

  3. 一个不识字的放羊娃在有关羊的知识方面比饱读诗书的人所懂得要多得多。

    A shepherd who cannot read will known more about sheep than the wisest bookworm .

  4. 饱读诗书,学富五车,在古代被人所尊敬且向往的秀才是你的前世。

    " Shishu " well-read , learning-rich were in ancient times by the distinguished scholar and aspire to is your past life .

  5. 人们说他漫长的一生,便一定会说他饱读诗书,但他的思想却比他的阅读丰富得多。

    He had read much , if one considers his long life , but his contemplation was much more than his reading .

  6. 老公公是一个饱读诗书的秀才,总觉得这样吵下去有伤和谐,有辱门风,让街坊邻居笑话。

    The father-in-law , a well-read scholar believed it would disharmonize and dishonor the family if things went like this , giving others chance to laugh at them .

  7. 这些人在饱读诗书后,深知自己知识的不足,知道宇宙奥秘的浩瀚无边,因此谦虚、谨慎,不敢胡作非为;

    After they become learned , they know well that their knowledge is insufficient and the secrets of Universe are infinite so they are modest , prudent and abiding .

  8. 这个男人饱读诗书,为她写下一首首她读不了的诗,而他的梦想则是开办学校。

    Here was a man who had read so many books , who wrote her poems she could not read , and whose ambition was to have his own school .