
  1. 我知道了在山上的祠堂里供奉的那尊雕像就是桐君老人。

    Oh , now I know the statue enshrined in the temple on the mountain is actually the statue of him .

  2. 在村子一角的祠堂里,供着窦氏从始祖以下二十代列祖列宗的神主牌位。

    In an old temple at the corner of the village , there were the ancestral tablets of twenty generations dating back to the first Tou who had made his way into these hills .

  3. 我要往祠堂里哭太爷去.年内,有两幢历史建筑物公布为古迹,包括粉岭老围及松岭邓公祠。

    Let me go to the Ancestral Temple and weep for my old master Two historical buildings , Lo Wai walled village and Tang Chung Ling Ancestral Hall in Fanling , were declared as monuments in 1997 .
