
  • 网络plumpness;fullness;Body
  1. 结果表明:>1.00比重级的棉籽饱满度达80%以上。

    The results show that the fullness degrees of the cotton seeds ( specific gravities > 1.00 ) were over 80 % .

  2. 应用~(14)C示踪技术测定三个籽粒饱满度不同的小麦品种,结果表明:籽粒饱满度与品种的净光合率、光合持续期和同化物在籽粒中的分配率有关;

    Three wheat varieties characterized by grains with different plumpness were studied by ~ ( 14 ) C-tracer technique . The results indicated that the plumpness of grains is related to net photosynthetic rate , duration of photosynthesis and distribution amount of the ~ ( 14 ) C-labelled assimilatory substances .

  3. 含ae基因的玉米与正常杂交种相比,其千粒重普遍降低,降幅从0.4%~38.4%,这主要是由于籽粒饱满度下降引起的。其中最好的ae组合春雨1♀/aew23,仅降低6.3%。

    Compared with hybrid lines ( F_2 ), the ae inbred lines of 1000 grain weight were descended , which ranged from 0.4 % to 38.4 % .

  4. 介绍了一种用于改性水性PU皮革涂饰液的丙烯酸酯共聚乳液,对水性PU的硬度和韧性进行调节改性,增加其柔韧和饱满度。

    The preparation of acrylic copolymer emulsion used for modification of aqueous polyurethane lacquer for leathers is introduced , which can improve hardness , soft tenacity and plentiful full degree of the waterborne polyurethane lacquer .

  5. 以羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)、明胶、黄原胶等对南瓜脯的饱满度、透明度的影响为研究对象,兼及其保鲜工艺。

    The effects of CMC , gelatin and xanthan gum glue on the degree of saturation and diaphaneity of preserved pumpkin were taken as the studying objects and the experiment of reserving freshness was involved in this paper .

  6. 本文采用扫描式冲击回波法(IES)对预应力管道内的灌浆情况开展室内和场外试验研究,研究了主频在箱梁中的响应规律,从而得到灌浆饱满度的判断依据。

    Impact-echo scanning was used in this thesis for interior and exterior experimental research on grouting situation in prestressed pipe and main-frequency response rules of box beam were studied .

  7. 从形态学角度分析,芍药大富贵品种经KT处理后,花期花瓣和叶片的色泽均比对照组鲜艳,花朵饱满度提高,观赏度增加,单花寿命延长1d,整体观赏价值有较为明显地提高。

    From the morphological point to analysis , The herbaceous peony " Da Fu Gui " After KT treatment , the color of flower in petals and leaves is brighter than control , the degree of ornamental is raise , flower longevity delay with 1d . 4 .

  8. 经穿刺处理的樱桃番茄,用饱和氯化钙溶液浸泡1.5h,糖液中添加经胶体磨处理的海藻酸钠6g/kg,提高糖渍温度和采用分次加糖的工艺能显著改善产品的饱满度;

    Measures that punctured fresh cheery tomato were dipped in saturated CaCl 2 solution for 2 hours and 6 g / kg sodium alginate was added into the syrup and technology of high dipping temperature and thickness of syrup increased gradually could improve the shape of product .

  9. 小麦种子饱满度指标的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Methodology of Seed Plumpness in Wheat

  10. 遮光对花生产量、成熟饱满度及品质的影响

    Effects of Shading on Yield , Plumpness and Quality of Peanut

  11. 盐选分级,可以区分种实成熟的早晚、饱满度的高低和储藏性能的优劣。

    Mature degree , satiation degree and storage capability were all distinguished .

  12. 软X-射线摄影术,测定棉花种子饱满度的研究

    A study on the measurement of cotton seed plumpness by soft X-ray photography

  13. 测定小麦种子饱满度的新方法

    A new method of determining kernel plumpness of Wheat

  14. 小麦籽粒饱满度与环境条件的关系及其遗传分析

    The relationship between plumpness of wheat kernels , environmental conditions and genetic analysis

  15. 研究了27个鹅掌楸交配组合种子饱满度、生活力、发芽力等性状的变异。

    The seed plumpness , seed viability and germination ability of27 mating combinations were studied .

  16. 冲击回波法作为新型的无损检测技术,被应用到管道灌浆饱满度的无损评价上。

    As a new type of non-destructive testing technology , impact-echo method was applied in non-destructive evaluation of grouting condition .

  17. 因此,研究预应力孔道注浆饱满度具有理论和实际意义。

    Therefore the study of the quality of grouting in pre-stressed duct is full of great theoretical and practical significance .

  18. 试验结果表明,该并联隔震支座滞回曲线较规则,曲线具有很好的饱满度,体现了其良好的滞回耗能能力。

    The isolation system has regular hysteretic curve , which is spindle shaped and has very good plumpness , embodies preferable energy dissipation capacity .

  19. 其M1、M2代较亲本系表现株高降低,穗长变短、籽粒饱满度也差;

    Compared with the parents , the phenotype of M1 and M2 showed shorter on plant height and ear length , less plumpness of seed .

  20. 结果表明,(1)籽粒颜色和饱满度与产量及品质性状的相关和偏相关均不显著;

    The result showed ( 1 ) the correlation and partial correlation relationships of grain color , plumpness to yield and quality characters were not significant .

  21. 鉴定出3种单倍型分别与单株穗数、穗粒数、每穗小穗数和籽粒饱满度显著或极显著相关。

    Three kinds of haplotypes were significantly associated with spike number per plant , grain number per spike , spikelet number per spike and grain plumpness , respectively .

  22. 根据试验研究,进一步探究超声波法在管道灌浆检测的可行性及评估灌浆饱满度的较好的声学参数。

    In terms of the experimental research , ultrasonic-wave method as testing technology for duct grouting was futher studied and the best acoustical parameters were evaluated . 4 .

  23. 该品种耐瘠、耐寒、耐旱,对白粉病免疫,锈病抗性强,易脱粒,适应性广,产量高、早熟、籽粒饱满度好,蛋白质和氨基酸含量均高。

    It was easy to be threshed and showed extensive adaptability with high yield , early maturity , good kernel plumpness and high content of protein and amino acid .

  24. 基于雷达探测理论和探测方式及注浆工艺,探讨了针对注浆饱满度雷达探测的主要影响因素和施测要点。

    On the basis of the theory of radar detection , methods and the grouting technology , we research main influence factors and detective keys on GPR detecting grout saturation .

  25. 砂浆饱满度是通过砖表面同砂浆的黏结面积反映的。砂浆对砖的黏结力直接影响砌体的强度。

    The plumpness of mortar reflects through brick surface and area of cohering of the mortar , the cohesion of the mortar to brick influences the intensity of building body directly .

  26. 方法用电子天平测定种子净度及饱满度,用水分仪测定种子含水量,通过发芽试验确定种子发芽率。

    Methods The seed net weight and plumpness were determined by electric balance , the moisture content was determined by moisture meter and the germination rate were determined through germination test .

  27. 花生籽仁成熟饱满度和整齐度受品种遗传特性和栽培环境影响,在生产上差异很大,致使花生产品的营养成分含量与品种具有的潜力相差很大。

    Because of impacts of genetic character and cultivation environment , there were great differences in seed kernel plumpness and uniformity of mature peanut , nutrition content of peanut production and improving potential .

  28. 对国内外60个品种的分析表明,沉降值与穗长、小穗数、千粒重、子粒饱满度相关性不明显,与子粒角质率呈极显著正相关。

    Correlation analysis indicated that there were no significant relationships between sedimentation and head length , spike number , 1000 seed weight and seed plumpness , but positively significant with seed horniness ratio .

  29. 适当晚播满足了抽穗结实期对适宜温度的要求,增加籽粒饱满度,对千粒重的增加有促进作用,从而影响大麦的产量。

    Appropriate late-sowing satisfied the requirement of appropriate temperature during the heading and seeding stage , increased the grain plumpness and promoted the increase of 1000-grain weight , which finally affected the barley yield .

  30. 通过对21个花生品种的荚果外观性状进行定量化分析,评估的结果表明,多数品种的荚果饱满度和饱果率不足70%,出口大花生品种的双仁饱果率不足50%;

    The results of quantitative analysis and standard evaluation on pod character in twenty-one varieties of peanut showed that the plumpness degree of pod and the percentage of sound pod were less than 70 % in most varieties .