
  • 网络Computer Aided Drafting;computer aided drawing;CAD;AutoCAD
  1. 计算机辅助制图(AutoCAD)在环境规划中的应用

    The Application of AutoCAD to Environmental Planning

  2. TIN模型在地球化学勘查的计算机辅助制图中的研究和应用

    Computer aid mapping of geochemical exploration by tin model and its application

  3. 采用UG软件按国标进行计算机辅助制图的方法与技巧

    Means and skills of computer aided drawing to adopting UG software according to GB

  4. 计算机辅助制图在自控设计中的应用

    The Application of Computer - aided Design in Automatic Control

  5. 三角形图表法计算机辅助制图软件的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of triangle chart law computer-aided mapping software

  6. 电力工程计算机辅助制图专用软件的研究

    A Software of Electrical Drawing for Electric Power Engineering Microcomputer Aided Design

  7. 复杂等高线自动综合是计算机辅助制图领域中一项重要且难度较大的任务。

    Complicated contour automated generalization is a important and difficult task for computer-assisted cartography .

  8. 计算机辅助制图软件研究

    The study of the software of computer-assisted cartography

  9. 图例和构图用计算机辅助制图;

    Machine aided graphics for illustration and composition ;

  10. 林业计算机辅助制图技术初探

    Towards the Techniques of Computer-aided Mapping in Forestry

  11. 计算机辅助制图和设计系统

    Computer-aided drafting and design system

  12. 但是,将优化设计与计算机辅助制图相结合,实现参数优化与自动化结构设计的应用软件还不多见。

    But the software which combining the optimization design and computer-aided mapping to realize parameter optimization and structural design automation is rare .

  13. 然而已有的诸多研究只侧重于计算机辅助制图,或者基础数据的管理,在模型建立、辅助决策以及修编的自动化方面研究相对较少。

    However , many studies have only focused on computer-aided mapping , or data base management , in the model , decision-making and revision of automation on a relatively small .

  14. 并有一批经验丰富,从业多年的房屋及板材设计人员,采用计算机辅助制图,将人体工学原里与先进的美学理念应用于房屋及板材设计之中。

    And a group of experienced , the housing industry for many years and plate designers , using computer-assisted mapping will be in conjunction with the original concept for advanced aesthetic housing design and plate .

  15. 介绍了计算机辅助制图的特点,阐述了应用计算机绘制林业效果图的基本方法和计算机辅助制图在林业上的发展前景,为计算机在林业上的进一步应用提供了参考。

    This paper introduces the characters of computer-aided mapping , expounds the basic methods of applying the computer in protracting forestry effect maps , and points out the developing prospect of the computer-aided mapping in the forestry field .

  16. 计算机辅助园林制图中数据交换方法的探讨

    Discussion on Data Exchange of Computer-Aided Drafting in Garden Design

  17. 计算机辅助地图制图遥感影像辅助地图制图的研究和应用

    Computer - assisted cartography Map Making with RS Image : Research and Application

  18. 计算机辅助地图制图

    Computer - assisted cartography

  19. 主要介绍了计算机辅助设计与制图系统(CADD)在土建设计、工艺设计、电气及仪控设计中使用的软件和用途。

    The main emphases will be to introduce the major CADD software tools and their use in civil design , process design and EI & C design .

  20. 词汇语义相似度计算中相关技术的分析GB/T15751-1995技术产品文件计算机辅助设计与制图词汇

    The Analysis to the related technology of Word Meaning Similarity Computation Technical product documentation Requirements for computer aided design and drafting Vocabulary

  21. 关于计算机多媒体辅助《工程制图》教学的思考

    Consideration about the Computer and Multimedia Aided Teaching of

  22. 工程制图试题库计算机辅助设计计算机工程制图课程教学模式试探

    A Computer Aided Design System for Engineering Drawing Test Question Library Discussion about the teaching Mode of Computer Engineering Drawing Course

  23. 因此将计算机数据库技术、辅助制图技术和空间数据分析技术应用到煤矿地质测量实际工作中去,建立实用、高效的煤矿地测信息数据库管理系统成为目前迫切的任务。

    Therefore , using database technique , assistance graphics and the space data analyze technique in the work of coal mine is the urgent mission at present .

  24. 阐述了军事地理研究与其技术系统主体的军事地理遥感技术、军事地理信息系统及计算机辅助军事地理专题制图技术的关系,进而提出了适合现代战争要求的军事地理技术系统构成框图。

    Mainly reveals the relationship between military geography study and its technology methods , such as military geography remote sensing technology , military geography information system and computer aid thematic mapping technology , then composes the frame of military geography technology system .

  25. 可以用于建立图形库、制图课计算机辅助试题库和计算机辅助制图教学等。

    It can be used for establishing the graph base and the examinatorial topic base of graphic computer , and for teaching the computer-aided graphing course .