
  • 网络planned transport
  1. 机场核心计划运输走廊

    Airport Core Programme transport corridor

  2. 这条隧道是机场核心计划运输走廊的主要部分,有助纾缓目前两条海底隧道的挤塞情况。

    It is a key part of the ACP transport corridor and helps relieve congestion at the two existing cross-harbour tunnels .

  3. 兴建机场核心计划运输走廊,是为了应付来往新机场的交通并纾缓现有道路的挤塞情况。

    The ACP transport corridor is designed to cater for traffic to the new airport and to relieve congestion on existing roads .

  4. 在运能紧张时期,铁路主要按计划运输,缺乏对物流市场随机需求提供随机服务的研究。

    While transportation capacity was nervous , railway mainly carried out planning transportation services . It was lack of research about stochastic service providing random demand in logistics market .

  5. 乘务员运用计划是运输组织基本计划之一。

    Crew Scheduling is one of the most primitive plan of transportation organization .

  6. 空车调配是铁路运输技术计划和运输日常调整的重要组成部分。

    The distribution of empty wagon is one of the cardinal elements of railway transportation technical program and the daily adjustment of railway transportation .

  7. 但是,如何制定有效的库存管理计划和运输路线安排计划来满足客户的需求并不是一项轻松的任务。

    But how to make the effective inventory management and routing plans in order to meet the customer 's demands is not a easy task .

  8. 运输收入计划是运输收入管理的基本环节,计划工作的好坏直接影响着铁路运输业的经济效益。

    Transportation income planning , which is a basic link of transportation income management , has direct influence on the economic benefit of railroad transportation industry .

  9. 在10个工程项目中,由政府负责的有7个,包括两项填海计划、运输走廊及东涌新市镇。

    The government is responsible for seven of the 10 projects , covering the two land reclamations , the transport corridor and Tung Chung new town .

  10. 我们希望他们卖给我们生产所需要的东西,同时不要因为糟糕的计划、运输和其它问题造成浪费。

    What we want is that they sell us what we need to produce and then not waste it through poor planning , transport and other problems .

  11. 其中客运专线车站作业计划是运输调度实施计划的一部分,它体现了车站按规定应完成的日常工作,也是车站内各种设备协调运用的依据。

    The station operation planning of passenger dedicated railway is one part of transportation Dispatching planning of Passenger Dedicated Railway , which reflects the day-to-day station work to be required to complete and is the basis of co-ordination of the station equipment to be used .

  12. 供应商管理库存(VMI)的思想为供应商通过统筹规划运输和库存计划来解决运输和库存之间效益悖反(trade&off)的矛盾及实现降低物流成本的目标提供了新的契机。

    The thought of VMI offers a new chance for suppliers to conquer the trade - off conflict between transportation and inventory and implement the goal of lowering the distribution cost by making overall plans of transportation and inventory .

  13. 联合包裹服务公司表示,其计划在假日运输期结束后就实施这项改变措施。

    UPS says it 's plan to implemented change after the holiday shipping period .

  14. 你们说过穿梭机计划将会开创运输交通的新纪元。

    You also stated that the shuttle will usher in a new era of travel .

  15. 可以看出,列车运行计划也是铁路运输的综合计划。

    It can be seen that a train operation plan is a comprehensive plan of rail transport .

  16. 论述了生产物流与企业组织结构的关系,以及生产计划控制与运输调度等问题。

    The structural relations between production logistics and enterprise 's organization are discussed some problems about production planning , control and scheduling are analysed .

  17. 车站的调度指挥人员是通过车站作业计划来进行运输组织的,阶段计划是铁路车站作业计划之一。

    The stage plan for railway depot station is one of the operative plans , by which the dispatchers in the station manage all transportation work .

  18. 早在去年一个地址到巴拿马国民议会,马总统表示有兴趣在“项目为基础的”援助,特别提到改善巴拿马计划的集体运输系统。

    Last year during an address to the Panamanian National Assembly , President Ma expressed interest in " project-based " aid , specifically mentioning planned improvements to Panama 's mass transit system .

  19. 铁路列车运行图是铁路运输的综合性计划,也是运输产品的表现形式,特别是高速铁路,运行图的产品属性更强一些。

    Railway train timetable is the comprehensive plan in railway transport , and also , is the representation of transport products , especially in High Speed Railway , the product property of the train timetable has been becoming stronger .

  20. 现在还计划使用两架直升机运输。

    Two helicopter airlifts also are scheduled .

  21. 另外在西雅图,纽约和芝加哥的分会计划在公共交通运输上实施这样的广告。

    In addition to Seattle , the New York and Chicago chapters plan to run ads on public transit this year .

  22. 比速度更重要的事情是,中国即使面临着石油短缺,还计划着继续发展运输。

    More importantly than speed , the Chinese are positioned to keep transportation going even if there is an oil shortage .

  23. 乘务计划编制在交通运输领域始终是一个重要问题,铁路、航空、城市交通部门不断寻找合理的乘务计划编制方法。

    An equilibrium index of trainset crew scheduling plan based on the equilibrium theory is proposed and the corresponding index model and calculation method are established .

  24. 为了使应用计算机编制露天矿开采进度计划时采用的运输距离更符合实际,本文提出了一种卡车移动坑线优化布置的方法。

    When working out current mining plans for opencut by using minicomputer , in order to enable transportation distance adopted to conform to the actual situation , this article provides a method of optimum arrangement .

  25. 电子商务在供应链管理中的任务是协调企业与供应商的采购、物料计划与仓储、运输间的业务、销售、批发、零售商间的协调和网络服务。

    Task of EC in SCM is harmonizing that includes purchase harmonizing between enterprise and supplier , operation harmonizing among materiel plan and storage and transportation , harmonizing and network service among saler and merchant and shopkeeper .

  26. 运输营销预算管理是以运输企业的经营目标为中心,将运输组织活动纳入预算管理,统筹安排企业的运输营销预算计划,从而实现运输效益的最大化。

    Budget management of transport marketing is centered on operation target of transport enterprise , taking transport organizing activities into budget management , comprehensively arranging enterprises ' transport marketing budget plan , so as to reach the maximum of transport efficiency .

  27. 集装箱海铁联运计划优化可实现运输方式的转变,有效降低运输成本,增加港口经济腹地辐射范围和吞吐量,强化班轮公司、班列运营企业、港口运营企业协调工作能力。

    Container rail-sea intermodal transportation plan optimization can achieve the transformation of transportation mode , reduce costs , increase the economic hinterland radiation range and throughput of the port , strengthen coordination ability among liner companies , trains companies and port enterprises .

  28. 昨天早上,亚特兰大,佐治亚,盐湖和犹他州的航行系统失灵长达5小时,无法自动排列航班计划,所以空中运输控制人员必须自己排列,这当然要用更长时间。

    A system in Atlantic , Georgia and Salt Lake City , Utah went down for five hours yesterday morning . It was unable to automatically set up flight plans for planes , so air traffic controllers had to do it themselves which takes longer .

  29. 在中国,为适应中国经济快速发展和对外开放、市场竞争日益加剧的形势,现代物流业在传统计划经济体制下的物资计划分配和运输体制的基础上发展起来的新兴产业。

    In China , the logistics developed on the basis of the modern logistics industry under the traditional planned economy system materials planning distribution and transport system as a new industry .