
  • 网络billing system;charging system
  1. 新一代IP电话实时用户管理与计费系统

    New Generation IP Telephone Real - time User Management and Billing System

  2. 计费系统对宽带IP网络的运营来说是致关重要的。

    Billing system is very important for operation of the broadband IP network .

  3. 基于Internet的网络服务计费系统分析与研究

    On the Internet-based Charging System for Analysis and Research of Network Service

  4. 园区网络身份验证的Internet访问控制与计费系统

    Internet Access Control based on ID Verifying and Accounting System In Campus Net

  5. POWERBUILDER在市话计费系统中的应用

    The application of Power Builder in local telephone charging system

  6. 针对c/s的特点,结合java技术的功能特性,本文介绍了一种基于java技术设计的网吧计费系统。

    This paper introduces an internet cafe charging system based on java .

  7. 安全RADIUS认证、授权、计费系统的构建

    Construction of a Secure RADIUS Authentication , Authorization and Account System

  8. 基于IP流量的校园网计费系统

    IP based accounting system in campus network

  9. 利用MicrosoftvisualBasic开发关系数据库&太原市飞机场电话管理计费系统的设计与实现

    Develop Relation Database Using Microsoft Visual Basic Design and Implementation of the System of Telephone Fee Management for TaiYuan airport

  10. 用VB开发电子阅览室登录计费系统

    Develop Log-in Charge System of Electronic Reading Room with Visual Basic

  11. 3G网络计费系统体系结构

    Research on Architecture for Charging System in 3G Mobile Networks

  12. 如何建设3G时代的综合计费系统

    How to Build the All-Round Billing System of 3G Era

  13. 双CPU技术在分布式电能计量计费系统分机中的应用

    Application of double CPU technology in a measurement system of electric energy quantity and charge

  14. 基于IPv6的认证计费系统设计及实现

    The Design and Implementation of AAA System Based on IPv6

  15. 基于LDAP校园网计费系统原理与实现

    Theory and Implementation of LDAP-based Accounting System in Campus Network

  16. 基于IMS离线计费系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Off-Line Charing System Based on IMS

  17. 神州在线工程中ISP计费系统的设计与实现

    Approach to the ISP billing system in Shenzhou - Online Project

  18. 基于SNMP的校园网计费系统设计及实现

    Layout and Implementation of SNMP-based Schoolyard Web Accounting System

  19. IPTV增值业务平台计费系统的研究

    Research on Billing System of IPTV Value-Added Service Platform

  20. 基于VHDL语言的出租车计费系统设计

    Design of Taxi Accounting System Based on VHDL

  21. 中国联通在线计费系统(OCS)设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Online Charging System for China Unicom

  22. 第五章,以电信计费系统中的累帐模块为需求模型,给出了CORBA技术在电信领域应用的一个简单实例。

    In fifth chapter , it gives an example which is a module of the telecom charging system with CORBA technology .

  23. 公共机房Internet计费系统公共机房WIN9X的管理

    Internet Charging System of Public Machine Room

  24. SLA在DiffServ计费系统中的应用研究

    Applying SLA on DiffServ Billing System

  25. 局用交换机计费系统(BillingSystem)是整个电信服务的一个重要环节,准确、可靠、安全的电话计费系统是国家电信资费政策得到落实的保证。

    The Billing System of local exchanger is an important link to the whole telecom service and the exact , reliable and safe telephone Billing System can put national telecom expense polity into effect .

  26. 中间件TUXEDO在计费系统中的应用

    The Application of Middleware TUXEDO in the Charging System

  27. 基于扩展802.1x和RADIUS宽带网计费系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of a Broad Band Network Accounting System Based on the Extended 802.1x Standard and the RADIUS Protocol

  28. 电能计量计费系统TMS的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Energy Tele-meter System

  29. 北京联通集中计费系统是北京联通的核心系统,也是联通BSS系统的重要组成部分,是融合了固话、小灵通、宽带与2G、3G的集中计费系统。

    Beijing Unicom centralized billing system is the core system of Beijing Unicom , it is also the important part of BSS .

  30. 其次,考虑到网络计费系统分布式应用的趋势,将计费系统的各个功能模块集成到CORBA软总线上,使计费系统功能模块架构具有开放型和扩展性。

    Then function modules of accounting system are integrated on CORBA soft-bus and had the performance of opening and expandability to match the trend of distributed application demand .