
  1. 美国财政部将利用tarp计划中的剩余资金来带动民间资本,为收购银行问题资产(随衰退加剧而出现问题的证券及常规贷款)提供资金。

    The Treasury will match private capital with remaining TARP money to capitalise funds for purchasing assets from banks both securities and conventional loans turned sour by the deepening recession .

  2. 虽然格林斯潘没有谈及可能需要多少额外资金,但他的评论表明,除了问题资产救援计划中的剩余资金外,政府可能还要再提供数千亿美元的资金。

    While Mr Greenspan did not say how much extra might be needed , his comments indicate that the government will probably have to provide hundred billions of dollars over and above the money remaining in the Troubled Asset Relief Programme .

  3. 第三,有了一个良好的报酬计划,管理层就有积极性追求基于报酬计划所分享的剩余索取权收益。

    Third , a well designed compensation plan will lead management pursue residual rights revenues based on compensation plans .