
  • 网络AEOI;Atomic Energy Organization of Iran;Atomic Energy Organisation
  1. 制裁针对的目标是伊朗原子能组织及其主席阿里·阿克巴·萨利希。

    The sanctions target the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and its director , Ali Akbar Salehi .

  2. 伊朗原子能组织负责人阿里·阿克巴尔·萨利希表示,开展并使用更先进的离心机是伊朗必不可少的权利。

    Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali-Akbar Salehi says carrying out researches and using advanced centrifuges are indispensable right of Iran .

  3. 2010年10月27日伊朗原子能组织主席萨利希日前透露,伊朗布什尔核电站有望于明年2月中旬并入国家电力网开始发电。

    2010-10-27 Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran ( AEOI ) Ali-Akbar Salehi said on Tuesday Bushehr nuclear plant will join national grid in mid-February .

  4. 伊朗原子能组织主席GholamrezaAgha-zadeh声称,德黑兰不改变其和计划,将继续安装更多的离心机。

    Gholamreza Agha-zadeh , head of Iran 's Atomic Energy Organization , says that Tehran has not changed its nuclear plans and will continue to install more centrifuges .