
  1. 克里在德国举行的七国集团外长会议上做出上述表示。预计七国外长讨论的议题将包括伊核谈判。这个月早些时候,谈判各方达成了一项框架协议。

    Kerry spoke before a meeting of Group of Seven foreign ministers in Germany that was expected to include discussion on the negotiations , which yielded a framework deal earlier this month .

  2. 我们至少必须维持与俄罗斯在这方面的讨论,因为与伊朗讨论这方面的问题非常困难,这一点从伊核问题谈判中就能看出来。

    Discussions must be sustained at least with Russia , since discussion with Iran is extremely difficult as we can see with nuclear talks . '

  3. 法比尤斯说,我们正努力增加阿萨德面临的财政压力;我们至少必须维持与俄罗斯在这方面的讨论,因为与伊朗讨论这方面的问题非常困难,这一点从伊核问题谈判中就能看出来。

    ' We are trying to tighten the pressure around his neck , ' Mr. Fabius said . ' Discussions must be sustained at least with Russia , since discussion with Iran is extremely difficult as we can see with nuclear talks . '

  4. 今天,副总统乔·拜登表示,美国准备与伊朗就伊核问题展开直接谈判,该国必须严肃对待这次谈判。

    Vice President Joe Biden said today the United States is prepared to hold direct talks with Iran on its nuclear program if that country shows it 's serious about such negotiations .

  5. 他说,他努力促成两个星期前达成伊核框架协议,现在距离达成最终协议的最后期限还有两个半月的时间,伊核谈判显得更加重要。

    Secretary Kerry said the Iran talks are looming large after he helped reach a framework accord two weeks ago , and with the deadline for a final agreement just two-and-a-half months away .