
  • 网络Iran Air
  1. 欧盟委员会称,考虑到安全问题,大部分伊朗航空飞向欧盟的喷气机将被禁止入境。

    Most of Iran Air 's jets will be banned from flying to the EU because of safety concerns , the European Commission says .

  2. 伊朗航空公司麾下的多数飞往欧洲的航班遭到欧盟禁飞。欧盟强调,此举与联合国对伊朗采取的核制裁无关,而只是出于安全考虑。

    The EU banned most of Iran Air 's jets , from flying to Europe because of safety concerns , emphasizing the move was not related to UN sanctions against them over their nuclear program .

  3. 五年之后的1988年,两伊战争结束前,一架航班号为655的伊朗航空客机在从德黑兰飞往迪拜的过程中被美国海军文森斯号导弹巡洋舰击落。

    Five years later , in 1988 , Iran Air Flight 655 from Tehran to Dubai was gunned down by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes as the Iran Iraq war drew to a close .

  4. 美国财政部还确定伊朗商业航空公司马汉航空(MahanAir)为圣城旅提供运输、资金转移和人员输送服务。

    The Treasury Department also designated the Iranian commercial airline Mahan Air for providing transportation , funds transfers and personnel travel services to the Qods Force .

  5. “通过伊朗国内航空专家,在跑到中间过快的着陆速度导致撞机。”部长在发布会上说。

    " According to Iranian civil aviation authorities , the landing in the middle of the runway with excessive landing speed caused the crash ," the ministry said in a statement .

  6. 专家称,长久以来,伊朗的众多航空公司(包括国有航空公司在内)饱受坠机诟病,航空业运营举步维艰。

    Iranian airlines , including those run by the state , are chronically strapped for cash , and maintenance has suffered , experts say .

  7. 中国足球队就像一条严重损坏的船上,但是朝鲜、伊朗和日本像航空母舰。

    The China football team just likes a badly damaged boat , but Korea , Iran and Japan like aircraft carriers .

  8. 伊朗官方的学生通讯社报导说,伊朗航空官员迈赫迪.阿里亚利(MehdiAliyari)说,英国、德国和阿联酋拒绝向伊朗航空公司提供航空燃油。

    Iran 's official Student News Agency is reporting Iranian aviation official Mehdi Aliyari says Britain , Germany and the United Arab Emirates have refused to provide jet fuel for Iranian airliners .

  9. 1979年通过伊斯兰革命伊朗拜托了美国和欧洲控制,但伊朗国家航空舰队现有的许多波音飞机都是在那之前买的。

    Many of the Boeing aircraft in state-run Iran Air 's fleet were bought before the country 's 1979 Islamic Revolution , which disrupted ties with the U.S. and Europe .