
  • 网络ETHAN;Ishaan;Ethan Coen;Issan
  1. 有些用户已经注意到,这款机器人有脱落鬃毛的趋势,但该公司的首席执行官伊桑·伍兹(EthanWoods)说,目前新设计的机器人已经解决了这一问题。

    Some users have noted the bot 's tendency to shed bristles , but Ethan Woods , the company 's chief executive , said a new design has addressed the issue .

  2. 伊桑,刚才我在咖啡屋等你的时候。

    I was in a cafe waiting for you , ethan .

  3. 朋友妻不可欺,伊桑。

    Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor 's wife * Ethan .

  4. 我们拿了钱,让伊桑背黑锅。

    We take the money * Ethan takes the blame .

  5. 虽然你这么想,伊桑,但那是不可避免的。

    When you think about it , ethan , it was inevitable .

  6. 但我们不能让伊桑对阿米莉亚的事说三道四。

    But we can 't have Ethan running his mouth off about Amelia .

  7. 伊桑坐在一件老家具上,而科林则在箱子里翻着什么。

    Ethan sat on the old furniture while Colin was digging through boxes .

  8. 伊桑,拜托,你是我的朋友。

    Ethan , please . You are my friend .

  9. 你好,伊桑,我们在工作。

    Hello , Ethan . We 're working here .

  10. 影片中的父亲伊桑•霍克,曾经也是个孩子;

    Ethan Hawke , playing the dad - he used to be a kid .

  11. 伊桑,你改扮之后进入大使馆参加酒会。

    Ethan , you 're going into the Embassy in character during a party .

  12. 伊桑喜欢功夫电影,但乔却认为那是无趣的娱乐。

    Ethan loves kung-fu movies , but Joe thinks they are just vapid entertainment .

  13. 你和伊桑克拉弗特住一起.

    you will be rooming with Ethan Craft .

  14. 乔尔.科恩和伊桑.科恩兄弟创作的《冰血暴》曾经获得1996年奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖。

    The pair previously won the original screenplay Oscar for their 1996 film Fargo .

  15. 我叫伊桑,我来这里领我的两张票。

    You have two tickets for me .

  16. 伊桑,放开我!

    Ethan , let go of me !

  17. 伊桑喜欢阅读当代英国文学作品。

    Ethan enjoys reading contemporary British literature .

  18. 我知道吉姆对你非常特别,伊桑。

    I know how much jim , in particular , meant to you , ethan .

  19. 伊桑(他在电影中的角色)的个性正合我意。

    I wanted that personal side of Ethan ( his character in the film ) .

  20. 在星期天举行的今年奥斯卡颁奖典礼上,导演乔尔.科恩和伊桑.科恩兄弟成为大赢家。

    Filmmakers Joel and Ethan Coen were big winners at this year 's Academy Awards ceremony Sunday .

  21. 读者还是喜欢伊桑?布兰德而讨厌故事里那些土头土脑的乡民。这他是阻止不了的。

    He cannot prevent the reader from preferring Ethan Brand to the cloddish villagers of the tale .

  22. 歌手杰西哈里斯为伊桑•霍克撰写和执导的影片《最热的国度》写歌。

    Singer Jesse Harris wrote songs for this year 's film The Hottest State , written and directed by Ethan Hawke .

  23. 我开始同意伊桑的说法-你需要吃多点面条-你好厉害

    I 'm starting to agree with Ethan . - We need to eat more spaghetti . - You da man !

  24. 密歇根大学研究员伊桑?克洛斯说:“结果让人们了解了被社会抛弃的确让人‘心生悲痛’。”

    University of Michigan researcher Ethan Kross said : " These results give new meaning to the idea that social rejection'hurts ' . "

  25. 可能是她的哥哥,伊桑,而所谓的杀手,詹姆斯·迪马吉奥带着一两个孩子。

    possibly her brother , Ethan , and the alleged killer , James DiMaggio who may have one or both children with him .

  26. 1775年5月10日,在尚普兰湖畔的提康德加罗城堡战役中,伊桑艾伦和他的格林山兄弟会以及本尼迪克特阿诺德让英军着实惊诧。

    Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys and Benedict Arnold surprised the British at Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain with an attack on May 10 , 1775 .

  27. 《老无所依》的导演乔尔.科恩和伊桑.科恩兄弟荣获最佳导演奖,并获得最佳改编剧本奖。这部影片根据科马克.麦卡锡的小说改编。

    Brothers Ethan and Joel Coen shared the honor of best director for the film , and earned Oscars for its screenplay , which was adapted from a novel by Cormac McCarthy .

  28. 落水的孩子最小的才十岁,最大的也才十多岁。好心人伯尼特和伊桑在纽约消防队赶到前成功将孩子们救起。

    By the time FDNY arrived at the park , the kids , ranging in age from about ten into the teens , had been pulled out of the water by good Samaritans , Bennett Jonas and Ethan Turmbull .