
  • 网络the Bangkok Post
  1. 事后他告诉《曼谷邮报》,一名农民带着这群吵闹的鸭子去另一个地方觅食。

    He later told the Bangkok Post that the noisy flock was being herded by a farmer to another patch of land to find food .

  2. 《曼谷邮报》报道说,泰国军队领袖颂提·布雅拉特卡林要求士兵们保持微笑,以提升新掌权军政府的形象。

    The Bangkok Post said coup leader General Sonthi Boonyaratglin had urged the troops to smile to help the image of the country 's new military leadership .

  3. 你可以看到一大堆鸭子挤满在路上,它们已经占领整个地区了。曼谷邮报这样翻译了他的话。

    ' You can see the great mass of ducks swarming on the road . They have now occupied the area entirely , ' the Bangkok Post translates him as saying .

  4. 美国人离开后,我那位英国同事对我表示感谢,而后他不经意地提到:提醒你一下,别费劲在《曼谷邮报》找那些话。

    When the Americans left , my British colleague thanked me and then added casually : " Mind you , you might have struggled to find those quotes in the Bangkok Post . " He had made them up .

  5. 《曼谷邮报》指出,博览会期间,当地宾馆、旅店可能会出现入住紧张的情况,于是一些寺庙准备为需要投宿的游客敞开大门。

    The event , being held in honor of the country 's revered King Bhumibol adulyadej , is expected to strain the capacity of the area 's numerous hotels and guest houses , so local temples are also throwing their gates open to visitors , the newspaper reported .