
  • 网络History of Iraq
  1. 各种语言的书籍都有——新书、古籍,甚至有一本有七百年历史的伊拉克历史书。

    The books are in every language — new books , ancient books , even a book on the history of Iraq that is seven hundred years old .

  2. 今天是伊拉克历史上十分重要的一天,驻伊美军今天将国家安全事宜交予伊拉克方面,政府方面将6月30日定为国家主权日,美军已经撤离了伊拉克的城市地区。

    Today is a big day in Iraq as US troops turn over security to the Iraqis . The government is naming June 30th as national sovereignty day . US troops have pulled back to bases outside the cities .

  3. 在美国和伊拉克这个历史上新的篇章,我们完成了我们的义务。

    Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq , we have met our responsibilities .

  4. 但是考虑到英国和伊拉克的历史联系,他对英国支持科研奖学金的程度感到难以接受&英国在伊拉克1958年革命之前曾根据国联的托管权控制伊拉克40年。

    But he is bitter about Britain 's level of support for research scholarships given its historic ties & it controlled Iraq for four decades before the1958 revolution under a League of Nations mandate .

  5. 比如,美国人不幸地忽略了伊拉克动荡的历史和混乱的社会状态这种说法是相当普遍的。

    It has become commonplace , for example , to say that the Americans were woefully ignorant of Iraq 's turbulent history and tangled sociology .

  6. 然而,伊拉克战争只是历史长河的一个特殊历史事件,其效用也随着这场战争的结束而结束。

    However , the Iraq war is only a special event in history river , of which the efforts will lose with the end of the war .

  7. 饱受战乱困扰的伊拉克有望在奥运历史上第二次获得奖牌。

    The win puts the invaded war-torn country in line to compete for only its second medal in Iraq 's history .

  8. 2003年的伊拉克战争是人类历史上第一场全程电视直播的战争,也是迄今为止被媒体报道得最充分的一场战争。

    The Iraqi war in 2003 is a war of whole live TV broadcasting of first in the history of mankind , up until now media report most sufficient war too .

  9. 伊拉克复兴党的泛阿拉伯主义实践,最后分析了伊拉克在历史上长期成为泛阿拉伯主义民族中心和泛阿拉伯主义在伊拉克恒久不衰的原因。

    Finally the author analyzed the reasons why Iraq became the centre of pan-Arabism for a long period in history and why pan-Arabism is forever lasting in Iraq .