
diāo bì
  • destitute;hard;tattered;ragged;wither away;destite
凋敝 [diāo bì]
  • (1) [hard;destite]∶衰败;困苦

  • 民力凋敝

  • (2) [tatterded;ragged]∶残缺破烂

  • 旗帜凋敝

凋敝[diāo bì]
  1. 战后这一工业日渐凋敝。

    After the war , the industry went into a decline .

  2. FBI官员意识到,科学是一项全球努力,如果局限在国界线内,这项努力将会凋敝。

    FBI officials recognise that science is a global endeavour that would wither if confined within national borders .

  3. 结果,AOL十年来日见凋敝,且实施了许多错误战略步骤。

    As a result , AOL has languished for the past decade and made a number of strategic missteps .

  4. 中原经济凋敝,南唐经济繁荣;

    The Central Plains economy declined while NanTang 's was prosperous .

  5. 这造成了农村社会的凋敝与衰落。

    This has resulted in depressing and declining of the rural society .

  6. 越来越高的苛捐杂税使商业凋敝,城镇人口减少。

    Ever higher dues ruined trade and depopulated towns .

  7. 经历了安史之乱的唐王朝,经济凋敝,国力衰退。

    Through the Rebellion of the Tang Dynasty , economic depression , national recession .

  8. 小码头一带都是寒酸凋敝的小巷,住着渔民和穷人。

    Round the little harbour were shabby streets in which lived fishermen and poor people .

  9. 凋敝乡村的文化出路&贾平凹乡土小说纵论

    Cultural Way out of the Destitution of the Countryside & On Jia Ping-ao 's Native Novels

  10. 与目前很多传统地方戏剧凋敝甚至灭绝的状况相比,宛梆的市场表现好得令人吃惊。

    Although many traditional local dramas have withered or even become extinct , Wanbang is surprisingly popular .

  11. 在这个凋敝的国家里,唯有你,始终不渝地指导政府,拯救祖国。

    In this state of desolation you alone remained to conduct the government and to save the country .

  12. 季节在轮回,春风剥落了冬的凋敝与苍凉,勾勒出绚丽多姿的缤纷色彩。

    Season in reincarnation , the spring breeze off the winter slump and desolation , outlines wonderful colors .

  13. 在内外交困的情状下,俄民族电影生产凋敝,观众流失,发行放映网全线崩溃,几度走到了濒临消亡的境地。

    Under the situation , the audience drained , and the system of issue and show entirely collapsed .

  14. 第一章概述了傅作义主绥前绥远地区曰益凋敝的经济背景。

    The fist chapter summarizes the worse and worse economical background before Fu Zuoyi 's ruling the Sui Yuan .

  15. 当时德国和奥地利的法西斯主义、西班牙的革命左倾思潮盛行,是经济极度凋敝的结果。

    Fascism in Germany and Austria and revolutionary leftism in Spain thrived as a result of truly extreme economic deprivation .

  16. 在过去荒芜凋敝的日子里,对幸福的解释只是极个别智者的推算。

    Deserted the depressed days in the past , the interpretation of happiness is only a few of the wise prediction .

  17. 长期被视为经济凋敝的越南不会离预期的6.1%增长率太远。

    Vietnam , long seen as an economic basket case , is not far behind with projected growth of 6.1 per cent .

  18. 而文人诗歌创作因受到经学思想钳制和其他主流文体的影响,更是呈现出凋敝景象。

    Poems by literary classics for thought control and the impact of other mainstream sports , it is showing a depressed scene .

  19. 一些国家城市的发展,不仅产生了城市病,也导致了农村的凋敝。

    The urban development in some countries not only gives rise to " city diseases ", but also to the decline of countryside .

  20. 1949年刚解放时期的上海郊区经济较为凋敝,各种政治势力错综复杂。

    Shortly after the liberation in 1949 , the suburb economy of Shanghai was very depressed and various political forces in society remained complex .

  21. 民国时期存在大量乞丐的原因是多方面的:(一)农民生活状况恶化,农村经济凋敝破产。

    The causes of having so many beggars are : ( 1 ) The living conditions of peasants has aggravated and rural economics has declined .

  22. 农村的征兵征粮征税政策,导致了农村经济极度凋敝;

    Third , the policy of conscription , collection of grain taxes and taxation in the rural areas resulted in the extremely depressed rural economy .

  23. 我们在积极恢复增长、防止经济凋敝加剧和保障就业方面树立了典范。

    And that is the example we have set by acting aggressively to restore growth , to prevent a deeper recession and to save jobs for our people .

  24. 经济凋敝也许会使经营者的货币(这个价值的符号)减少,但是,他们的切身利益并不减损。

    The economic damage might make the producers of currency ( the value of the symbol ) reduction , but , this will not detract from their vital interests .

  25. 20年前,整个拉美大陆经济凋敝、制度脆弱,民众对正义、就业、更好的公共服务和更公平分配国家财富的要求受到压制。

    Two decades ago the continent was filled with ruined economies , weakened institutions and pent-up demands for justice , jobs , better public services and a more equitable distribution of national wealth .

  26. 有主客观两方面的原因,即社会的发现与农村经济的凋敝两者皆是现代化的产物。

    There are two reasons from the aspects of subject and object . One is that both " the discovery of society " and " the decline of rural economy " were products of modernization .

  27. 但经过两百多年历史的剧变,到了明初,长期的战乱造成了河南区域内经济凋敝、社会残破。

    However , after 200 years of great changes in history , until the beginning of Ming Dynasty , as a result of a long-term chaos of wars , Henan suffered from a great depression in economy and in society .

  28. 第一章介绍了1960年前后报刊杂文从繁荣走向凋敝的情况,第二章以《燕山夜话》为例,分析了1960年前后报刊杂文的特点。

    In Chapter I the author introduces the story about newspaper essays around 1960 from flourish to impoverishment . In Chapter II the author takes Yanshan Evening Talk as an example to analyze the characteristic of newspaper essays around 1960 .

  29. 大体而言,清代初期,由于长期的政治动荡和战乱,昆明地区的社会经济遭到严重破坏,呈现为凋敝荒芜的局面;康熙中后期,经过政策的调整和休养生息,社会经济逐渐得到恢复和发展。

    Generally speaking , in earlier Qing dynasty , for political turbulence and war , the economy in Kunming area was seriously destroyed . In the middle and later Kangxi period , after policies adjust and revalidated the social economy was developed and recovered .

  30. 第二章,通过描写农村生态环境的破坏、进城打工导致农村空壳化以及家庭分离等几个方面描写农村由田园牧歌到凋敝的变迁,反思城市文明对农村文明的侵蚀。

    The second chapter , by describing the destruction of the rural ecological environment , urban jobs in rural hollowing and family separation and so on several aspects to describe the changes of the countryside from the idyll to depressed , reflecting urban civilization to rural civilization .