
  1. “年”一来,树木凋蔽,百草不生:“年”一过,万物生长,鲜花遍地。

    " Years " way , withered trees to hide , not Baicao Health : " In the " one-off , all things grow , flowers everywhere .

  2. 论文认为《秦腔》以个性化的语言和独特的情节叙事方式再现了当今中国乡村世界的凋蔽图景,为传统文化的衰落唱出了一首沉重的挽歌。

    This paper opines that The Shaanxi Accent has , by virtue of its individualized language and its unique narration of the plot , presented a destitute view of the rural world in contemporary China , thereby having constituted a sad elegy for the decline of traditional culture .