
diāo xiè
  • fade;die;wither away;wither and fall;die of old age
凋谢 [diāo xiè]
  • (1) [wither and fall]∶草木花叶枯落

  • 花瓶里的旧花凋谢了

  • (2) [die of old age]∶比喻老年人死亡

  • 朋友日凋谢,存者逐利移。--唐. 韩愈《寄崔二十六立之》

凋谢[diāo xiè]
  1. 我知道,她的花瓣虽然都凋谢了,可她却得到了最美丽的‘花瓣’,那个‘花瓣’叫开朗,因为开朗会让人活得更美好。

    I know that , although all her petals wither and fall , and she has been the most beautiful of the'petals ' , the'petals'is called open , because open will make a better life .

  2. 我担心他的男性魅力已经开始凋谢了。

    I 'm afraid his manly charms are starting to fade .

  3. 一株植物凋谢了,另一株又会盛开。

    As one plant fades , another comes into flower .

  4. 她买的玫瑰第二天就凋谢了。

    The roses wilted the day after she bought them

  5. 花已凋谢结子了。

    The flowers have run to seed .

  6. 花已凋谢。

    Flowers have withered away .

  7. 一代文豪,就此凋谢。

    The literary giant of this generation has left us forever .

  8. 第一次寒潮袭来时,大丽花全都凋谢了。

    The dahlias died back when that first cold spelled .

  9. 在位置订满和樱花凋谢之前提前预定好您的位置!

    Reserve your spot before availability — and the cherry blossoms — disappear !

  10. 很快,花朵凋谢,果实长了出来。

    Soon the flowers drop off , and the fruit takes their place .

  11. 当他们的目的达到以后,他们便凋谢零落,就象脱却果实的空壳一样。

    When their object is attained they fall off like empty hulls from the kernel .

  12. 她们早晨在草丛中开放,晚上就凋谢了。

    One morning they would appear in the grass , and by night they would have faded peacefully away .

  13. 当植物凋谢腐烂了,CO2又回到大气里。

    When they die and decompose , this returns to the atmosphere .

  14. 高温热疗引起小鼠Ehrlich腹水癌细胞凋谢的研究

    A study of apoptosis in Ehrlich ascites cancer cells in mice after hyperthermia

  15. vt.使褪色vi.褪色;凋谢;逐渐消失花园里的花在夏末时已凋谢。

    fade The flowers in the garden faded at the end of summer .

  16. 应用黄芪多糖<APS>和APS脂质体对肝癌患者腹水中的巨噬细胞<M>进行体外激活,以人肝癌细胞株为靶细胞,光镜下观察凋谢细胞数目。

    It was counted with optic microscopy that the apoptotic cells among the human hepatic cancer cells ( HHCC ), using Astragalus polysaccharide ( APS ) and liposomal APS activated peritoneal macrophages in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma , then the macrophages and HHCC cultured together .

  17. 真理是一朵花,在它附近的花必然凋谢。

    Truth is a flower in whose neighborhood others must wither .

  18. 使萎缩,使衰退使凋谢或退化;

    To cause to wither or deteriorate ; affect with atrophy .

  19. 它是楚雄地区各族人民人生经验的结晶,智慧的奇葩,心灵的闪光,是语言大树上一枝永不凋谢的花朵。

    They are the crystal of wisdom of the Chuxiong people .

  20. 但你和我之间的爱,永不会凋谢。

    But you & I , our love will never die .

  21. 在星期二,我凋谢成为你的手臂。

    And by tuesday , I am fading into your arms .

  22. 结婚是人生的幸福花朵开放的时候,也可能是凋谢的时候

    Marriage is the Bloom or Blight of all men 's happiness

  23. 他逐渐凋谢,去而不返。

    He finishes just fades away and he never comes back .

  24. 她象鲜花一样成长&没有太阳就会凋谢。

    She grows as a flower does-she will wither without sun .

  25. 隆冬时节,自然界之花通常会凋谢飘零;

    In the deep winter , natural flowers tend to shrivel ;

  26. 然而,你和我之间的爱情,是永不会凋谢的!

    But you and I , our love will never die .

  27. 爱情就如同玫瑰,会枯萎,会凋谢。

    Like this rose , our love will wilt and die .

  28. 凋谢一千朵花也是徒劳。

    And it 's vain to have a thousand flowers wither ;

  29. 兰波的诗歌才华过早地展现然后就凋谢了。

    Rimbaud 's poetic genius bloomed early and then died away .

  30. 我知道,青春很快就会逝去,鲜花很快就会凋谢。

    I know how soon youth would fade and bloom perish .