
yī zhī huáng huā
  • goldenrod;solidago decurrens;woundwort;yellowweed
一枝黄花[yī zhī huáng huā]
  1. 2种一枝黄花叶的挥发油化学成分和抑菌活性

    Comparison of Chemical Constituents and Antimicrobial Activities of Volatile Oil from Solidago decurrens and S. canadensis

  2. 一枝黄花在化妆品中的应用研究Ⅱ·洗面奶的研制

    Application of the SoLidago Decurrens Lour . in Cosmetics ⅱ . Research and Preparation of Cleaning Cream

  3. 这些结果可为实现合肥基于GIS一枝黄花监测防治提供科学依据。

    These results can offer the scientific basis for realizing the monitoring and preventing Solidago Canadensis in Hefei on GIS .

  4. 加拿大一枝黄花自然条件下种子萌发率约为30%,在不同pH值、盐浓度和湿度环境条件下种子萌发的耐受性较强。

    S.canadensis seeds have a wide tolerance for different values of pH , salinity and soil moisture . The mean percent germination of seeds is 30 % under suitable conditions .

  5. 加拿大一枝黄花不同居群叶表皮和茎结构特征及其与环境因子的CCA分析

    Structural features of leaf epidermis and stem of different populations of Solidago canadensis and CCA analysis of the structural features with environmental factors

  6. 方法利用FT-IR光谱法分析了一枝黄花全草的红外光谱,对红外光谱的峰形进行了归属分析。

    Methods An IR spectrum analysis of the whole part of Soldago decurrens Lour was measured . A category-based analysis of the peak shape of infrared spectrum was conducted .

  7. 本实验采用一枝黄花作为化妆品中的天然添加剂,配以维生素E和尿囊素来制取具有保护、止痒、营养皮肤效用的天然化妆品膏霜。本文叙述了制作原理,配方,操作方法和产品的性能。

    Creams with the effects of skin care , antipruritic and nutrient were produced using Solidago Decurrens Lour , as natural additive together with vitamin E and allantoin-The principles of preparation , methods of operation , the formulation and the properties of the products were described .

  8. 加拿大一枝黄花(Solidagocanadensis)原产于北美,1935年作为花卉植物引入我国,现在是我国东南地区的一种常见外来杂草。

    Solidago canadensis , originating from North America , was introduced into China as a horticultural plant in 1935 . It is a common exotic weed in East China .

  9. 加拿大一枝黄花根系分泌到体外的化感物质对土传病原菌的致病活性也有抑制作用,能降低番茄幼苗死亡率,但本地植物鸡眼草(Kummerowiastriata)根系分泌物却无化感作用。

    The allelochemicals of S. canadensis secreted into sands can also inhibit the activity of soil-borne pathogens . They can decrease the mortality rate of tomato seedlings . But the roots exudates of Kummerowia striata have no allelopathic effects on these two species of soil-bome pathogens .

  10. 加拿大一枝黄花精油的化学成分及其抗菌活性

    Chemical constituents and antifungal activity of essential oil from Solidago canadensis

  11. 安徽省加拿大一枝黄花生物疫情防控机制研究

    On Control Mechanism of Invasive Biology Solidago Canadensis in Anhui Province

  12. 加拿大一枝黄花基因型多样性对其凋落物分解的影响

    The Effect of Genotypic Diversity on Litter Decomposition of Solidago Canadensis

  13. 入侵植物加拿大一枝黄花对环境的生理适应性研究

    Physiological adaptation of the invasive plant Solidago canadensis to environments

  14. 两种一枝黄花属植物化感作用的初步研究

    Primary study on allelopathy effect to two species of Solidago

  15. 加拿大一枝黄花水浸提液对禾谷类作物的影响

    Effect of Solidago Canadensis Maceration Extract on the Grain Crop

  16. 一枝黄花属三种欧洲入侵种的生态学研究概况

    Review on Ecological Studies on Three Invasive Species of European Genus Solidago

  17. 微波辅助萃取加拿大一枝黄花的花中总黄酮的工艺研究

    Total Flavonoids from Flowers of Solidago Canadensis by Microwave-Assisted Extraction

  18. 加拿大一枝黄花黄酮类成分及抗氧化与自由基消除活性的研究

    Antioxidant and Radical-Scavenging Activity of Flavonoids From Solidago canadensis

  19. 一枝黄花属植物的化学成分和生物活性研究进展

    Advances on the Chemistry and Bioactivity of Genus Solidago

  20. 九月在加拿大一枝黄花寻找丰富的天然草地土壤。

    Look for Canada goldenrod in September in rich soils of native grassland .

  21. 加拿大一枝黄花制浆性能的初步研究

    Preliminary Research on Pulping Property in Solidago canadensis

  22. 加拿大一枝黄花入侵对海岛植物多样性的影响及评价

    Infection and Evaluation of Vegetation Diversity on Island Caused by Invasion of Solidago canadensis

  23. 和草地一枝黄花相似,略小一些。

    Similar to meadow goldenrod but usually smaller .

  24. 加拿大一枝黄花&一种正在迅速扩张的外来入侵植物

    Canada goldenrod ( Solidago canadensis ): An invasive alien weed rapidly spreading in China

  25. 一枝黄花对动物肠平滑肌运动的影响

    The Effects of Goldenrod Herb on the Movement of Smooth Muscle of Animal Intestines

  26. 一枝黄花及其总黄酮总皂苷利尿作用的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Diuretic Effects of Goldenrod Herb and Its Total Flavonoid and Total Saponin

  27. 结果表明,加拿大一枝黄花根系水浸液和根际土壤水浸液对白菜和萝卜种子的萌发具有抑制作用。

    Results showed that aquatic extract from roots and rhizospheric soil generally inhibited selected seed germination .

  28. 北美洲的一枝黄花属植物,主要在夏季和秋季开花。

    Any of numerous chiefly summer-blooming and fall-blooming North American plants especially of the genus Solidago .

  29. 以加拿大一枝黄花为原料制备的吸附材料对难降解染料废水的处理具有较好的应用前景。

    The adsorbents which prepared from solidago canadensis have a good application prospects in dye wastewater treatment .

  30. 加拿大一枝黄花入侵泰州的成因与防控探析

    Analysis on the causes of the Solidago Canadensis invasion to Taizhou and the preventive and control measures