
  1. 就其本身而言,它们似乎已远非其本来面目,它们似乎一远看的美德,经久久细察方可探知。因此它们受到广泛的责难,指责其虚饰与伪善。

    Taken by themselves , they do but seem to be what they are not ; they look like virtue at a distance , but they are detected by close observers , and on the long run ;

  2. 康拉德·布莱克举办了一次远超人们预期的精彩聚会。

    Conrad Black gave an excellent party that surpassed expectations .

  3. 他到一个远的地方旅行。

    He went forth upon a journey to far land .

  4. 当她放弃的时候,她不知道离对岸只有一英里远。

    And she didn 't know that the opposite bank was only one mile away when she gave up .

  5. 这一数字远高于2009年大衰退(GreatRecession)猛烈冲击住宅建筑业时的55万套新建住宅。

    That 's well above the 550,000 new homes built in 2009 as the Great Recession hit home-building with particular ferocity .

  6. 但这一表现远逊于今年摩根士丹利资本国际全球指数(msciworldindex)18%的涨幅。

    But that performance is beaten by the 18 per cent improvement in the MSCI World Index during the year .

  7. 这一公式远比MASON公式更易于应用。

    It is much easier than MASON Formula in application .

  8. 凯恩斯学派认为,降低政府开支将不可避免地阻碍GDP的增长。虽然这种说法的支持者在不停地鼓吹这种观点,但眼下这一点远不确定。

    But the Keynesian argument that lower government spending automatically hampers GDP growth , right now , is far from the sure thing its champions keep trumpeting .

  9. 因此,DMU是一种远优于现有方法的产品开发策略。

    Therefore DMU is a strategy of product development far superior to existing methods .

  10. 穆迪(Moody's)称,这一比例远高于2006年的10%,也高于美国住房市场在2006年达到顶峰时所占美国GDP的比重。

    That is up steeply from 10 % in 2006 and is higher than American housing 's share of GDP reached during the height of the U.S. housing boom in 2006 , Moody 's says .

  11. 有关部门仍在事发水域进行搜寻。两船相撞地点距南丫岛(LammaIsland)大约有一英里远,而南丫岛距香港大约两英里。

    Authorities were still searching the area where the boats collided about a mile from Lamma Island , which lies about two miles from Hong Kong .

  12. 理论计算表明,SOR分析法是一种远比斑点分析灵敏的方法,因而可能在生化和环境分析中得到广泛的应用。

    The theoretic discussion shows that SOR method is more sensitive than Spot analysis for the solutes can accumulate along the ring . Hence the SOR method may have a wide application in bio-chemical and environmental analysis .

  13. 一米远的距离在平地上能轻而易举跳过。

    One-meter distance on the ground can be easily jumped over .

  14. 汽车在离他不到一米远的地方突然停住。

    The car stopped suddenly within one metre away from him .

  15. 这是一个远比伯龙-科恩所承认的更为有趣的问题。

    That is a far more interesting question than Mr Baron-Cohen acknowledges .

  16. 战线已经离我们一英里远了。

    The war is going to be a mile down the road .

  17. 她指向地平线上的一个远点。

    She pointed to a distant spot on the horizon .

  18. 一幅画远胜于它各部分的整合。

    A painting is more than the sum of it 's parts .

  19. 仅这一天远不足以表达我们对您的感激之情。

    One day is hardly enough to show our gratitude .

  20. 我只能看见离我脸一英寸远的地方。

    I can 't see an inch from my face .

  21. 它离目前的沙滩区约一公里远。

    The area is almost one kilometer from the current shore area .

  22. 一种远场扫描发射光学系统的分析设计

    Analysis and Design of Far Field Scanning and Transmitting System

  23. 请离柜台一米远。

    Please stay one metre away from the counter .

  24. 你好像离那有一英里远吧。

    You were , like , a mile away .

  25. 事发地点位于犹他州议会大厦西北方向约一英里远。

    The site was about a mile northwest of the Utah State Capitol .

  26. 一位远从福尔摩沙而来的厨师师姊,为大家做现场烹饪示范。

    A sister who is a cook from Formosa gave a cooking demonstration .

  27. 我家离这里只有一英哩远。

    My house is only a mile from here .

  28. 哈默就在不到一英里远的地方被谋杀了。

    Homer was murdered less than a mile away .

  29. 他们的巢穴离海岸有一英里远。nests.

    Their living nest is as far as a mile from the coast .

  30. 但我们正朝向一个远比这更为荒寂的处所。

    But we are headed to a place that is much more desolate .