
jiē tóu
  • joint;connect;contact;join;have knowledge of
接头 [jiē tóu]
  • (1) [connect;join;joint]∶使两个物体接起来,多指条状物

  • (2) [contact] [口]∶接洽;联系

  • 组织上叫我来跟你接头

  • (3) [have knowledge of]∶熟悉某事的情况

  • 这件事我不接头

接头[jiē tóu]
  1. 普通输送带接头阶梯加工工艺改进

    Technology improvement of common conveyor belt connect step working

  2. 在包馅饼时,先把两片馅饼皮边沿接头部分弄湿,再将其捏合。

    When assembling the pie , wet the edges where the two crusts join , to form a seal .

  3. 这家酒吧作为毒品贩子接头的场所已变得声名狼藉。

    The bar has become notorious as a meeting-place for drug dealers .

  4. 自1981年起生产的轿车都有安装安全保护装置的接头。

    All cars built since 1981 have points for the attachment of safety restraints .

  5. 他们需要检查座椅与飞机舱面固定接头的强度。

    They had to check the strength of the seat attachments to the floor of the plane .

  6. 这件东西的玻璃罩子在中间用活动接头巧妙地连接了起来。

    The glass cover for this is cleverly jointed in the middle .

  7. 我明天和他接头。

    I shall get in touch with him tomorrow .

  8. 这事她不接头。

    She doesn 't know anything about it .

  9. 纳观尺度上的tem明场像和暗场像表明接头界面存在扩散分层现象。

    In nano-scale , the interfacial layered structures were observed on TEM bright field images ( bfi ) and dark field images ( dfi ) .

  10. 货已到上海,正在接头。

    The goods are already in Shanghai and contacts are being made .

  11. 这个装修水管的工人用绳子以及一种特殊的复合物把管子的接头包垫起来。

    The plumber packed the joint of the pipe with string and a special compound .

  12. 因此,应该使用转矩扳手来上紧DISS接头

    Thus , torque wrenches should be used for tightening DISS connections .

  13. 各种各样的伸缩接头被安装在煤气的总管道上了。

    Expansion joints of various kinds are fitted on gas mains .

  14. 在接头中,流线没有固定图形。

    In a junction , there is no fixed pattern of streamlines .

  15. 我用砂纸磨边边角角的地方,去除接头处的不均。

    I sanded the corners to take away any unevenness in the joints .

  16. T型焊接接头的低温Pda/dNΔK曲线

    P da / dn δ k curve of type T welded joints at low temperature

  17. K型管状接头随机疲劳强度和裂纹扩展规律的研究

    An Investigation on Random Fatigue Strength of K-Type Tubular Joints and Crack Propagation Behaviors

  18. 双工器采用H面T接头和E面横向膜片波导带通滤波器。

    H-plane T-junction and E-plane transverse iris band pass filters are used in the diplexer structure .

  19. TiN改性钎料连接Si3N4陶瓷的接头高温性能

    Solid-liquid state bonding of Si_3N_4 ceramics and its joint high-temperature properties

  20. 抗H2S用管双面埋弧焊焊接接头腐蚀性能研究

    Research on Corrosion Property of Double Submerged Arc Welded Joint for H_2S Corrosion Resistance Pipe

  21. 铜合金密封环冷体TIG堆焊工艺及接头力学性能

    Cold body TIG surfacing technology and mechanical property of copper alloy gland ring

  22. 研究了Cu,Zn复合层对Al接触反应钎焊过程和接头质量的影响规律。

    The effects of Cu Zn compound layer on the process and joint properties of the Al contacting eutectic reaction brazing were studied .

  23. XLPE电力电缆中间接头复合介质沿面放电研究

    Study on Surface Discharge of Composite Dielectric in XLPE Power Cable Joints

  24. 同时,对吊点焊接接头进行裂纹敏感性试验分析和断裂韧度(COD)的测试。

    Crack-sensitivity and Fracture toughness ( CTOD ) test for the welded joints of suspension attachment have been performed also .

  25. 锌基合金气焊接头HAZ组织模拟

    Thermal Simulation of Microstructures of HAZ in Gas Welding Joint of Zinc-based Alloy

  26. 结果表明,HDPE热熔对接接头的抗开裂参量饱和启裂COD值在低温下具有一定的分散性。

    The results show that the saturation initial crack COD of HDPE butt-fusion welded joint have the statistic variance inherently .

  27. TIG熔修提高船体钢焊接接头腐蚀疲劳抗力的研究

    Experimental Study on Boosting Corrosion and Fatigue Resistance of Welded Joints for Ship Steel Using TIG Dressing Technique

  28. GK型等强钢筋锥螺纹接头在水利工程中的应用

    Application of the GK-type same-strength conical twisted splices in hydraulic works

  29. HT-7装置纵场线圈超导线接头的钎焊工艺

    Soldering technology for super-conductive joint of longitudinal field coil in HT-7 device

  30. 断裂实验表明,除了一个焊接接头紧凑拉伸(CT)试样是脆性启裂外,其它CT试样均在裂纹延性启裂并缓慢扩展后,发生脆性失稳断裂。

    Fracture test indicated that brittle unstable fracture occured after ductile crack initiation and slow propagation for all the compact tension ( CT ) specimens , except one welded joint specimen was brittle crack initiation .