
  • 网络first pass;1 Biography
  1. 发球、一传、扣球和拦网技术是排球运动的基本技术。

    Serve , first pass , spiking and block are the basic techniques in volleyball games .

  2. 结果表明:发球、一传效果、防守效果、不同风格打法和运动员心理素质是影响每球得分制条件下一攻、防反效果的主要因素;

    The result shows that service , first pass , defense , different styles and mental quality of players are the most important factors affecting the first round attack and counter attack under new rule .

  3. 政变的消息一传来,股票市场便暴跌。

    Stock markets plunged at the news of the coup .

  4. 丁家的一个朋友听到了这些,就把这话说给别人听,结果一传十,十传百,开始的一句话就变成了“丁家凿了一口井,在井里发现了一个人。”

    One of Ding 's friends heard of the remark and passed the word from the friend to the friend and yet to another , until the story ran as the follow words , " The Dings had a well sunk and found a man inside ! "

  5. 把土豆和青菜传一传&小心,烫手。

    Pass the potatoes and the greens & careful , they 're hot .

  6. 关于赫伯特病情好转的话一传出来,探望者便涌入病房。

    As word of Herbert 's progress spread , visitors streamed into the nursing home .

  7. 消息一传十,十传百,神话破灭了。

    Word spread from one to ten , ten to one hundred and the market crashed .

  8. 如果能快速通过中场并精确完成最后一传,这样的防守反击就奏效了。

    Counter-attacks were successful if teams could bypass the midfield quickly and make accurate , well-timed final passes .

  9. “你好,五”变成了“举手击掌”,庆祝动作一传十,十传百。

    The " Hi , Five " became a " high five " and the celebration became contagious .

  10. 第一圣餐是一个人的圣体圣事一传口语的名称。

    First Holy Communion is the colloquial name for a person 's first reception of the sacrament of the Eucharist .

  11. 一传到位情况差,跳传的运用率较低,得分率低,失分率高。

    Receiving place badly , jump pass rate is low , the use of unforced low runs rate is high .

  12. 我国男排与世界男排发球与一传技术运用效果的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Serving and First Passing Skills between Men 's Volleyball Teams of China and Foreign Countries

  13. 比赛中的第二球是阿德巴约进的,但为他送出最后一传的正是伊瓜因。

    The second goal of the match was scored by Adebayor , but it was the Argentine who made the final pass .

  14. 这事一传出去,民众都公然来攻击里息玛苛;那时有许多金器已被盗卖给各方。

    When this became known , the populace rebelled against Lysimachus , who had already taken many golden vessels from the city .

  15. 强有力进攻性发球往往能破坏对方的一传,造成对方组织不了快速多变的战术,同时也是取得胜利的重要砝码。

    Serving is the beginning of a match , also is an item of offensive technology with getting the drop on opponents .

  16. 以一种密集的设置方式,这个课程是一个让合一传导师得以深深的领会合一的教导并实现合一状态的机会。

    It is an opportunity for Deeksha Givers to be fully immersed in the teachings and realizations of Oneness , in a very intensive setting .

  17. 我们有好几个反击的机会,只要最后一传或者临门一脚再讲究点就好。

    The number of times we counter-attacked against them , we just needed to take more care with our final pass or the finishing shot .

  18. 王栋是泰州学派创始人王心斋的一传弟子,著名的思想家。

    Wang Dong , one of the first disciples of Wang Xinzhai , the founder of the Taizhou School , was a famous thinker and educator .

  19. 比赛第58分钟他从查马克脚下的抢断是决定性的,而在那里进球过程中给科尔的精妙一传则向我们展示了他广阔的球场视野。

    His saving challenge on Chamakh in the58th minute was crucial but he also showed his vision on the goal with his slide-rule pass for Cole .

  20. 以下就是12个网络借镜,提醒我们办公室间的八卦流言及错误消息,是怎么样在片刻间就一传传千里。

    Here are12 cautionary online tales that serve to remind us how garden variety office gossip and misinformation can now go global in a split second .

  21. 根据以上结论,提出以下合理性建议:(1)提高自由人一传的到位率。

    Based on the above conclusions , provide the following reasonable suggestions : ( 1 ) improve rate in place of a transfer of the free man .

  22. 这件可怕的乱子是中午时候出在维洛那城的中心的。消息一传出去,一群市民很快就奔到出事地点。

    This deadly broil falling out in the midst of Verona at noonday , the news of it quickly brought a crowd of citizens to the spot .

  23. 布鲁克林决定自力更生,不去啃他双亲财富,消息一传出去,他立刻获得了人们的赞扬,称其是其他青少年的楷模。

    News of his decision to make his own money and not sponge off his wealthy parents earned him praise as a good role model for other teenagers .

  24. 结果显示:中国队发球、传球、扣球和一传具有一定优势,防守和拦网基本上与世界水平保持一致。

    The result shows that Chinese team 's serve , setter , spike and first attack has superiority , but the block and dig keep with the world level .

  25. 但是此次比赛中,防守环节却出现了严重问题,尤其是后排队员接一传技术和接扣球技术成功率很低。

    But the game , defensive link but there was serious problems , especially after receiving technology and rear players pick up spiking technique success rate is very low .

  26. 研究结果表明:(1)在不同战术系统和一传到位情况下跳传运用率都明显高于原地传球方式。

    Research results show that : ( 1 ) in different tactical system and receiving in place cases jump pass using rate are significantly higher than in-situ passing style .

  27. 合一深化课程是由合一大学所提供的一个课程,它旨在将合一传导师直接带入到更高的意识状态,直至最终的与神合一(神性实现)。

    The Oneness Deepening process is being offered at Oneness University to take the Deeksha Giver community directly into higher states of consciousness and ultimately into God Realization itself .

  28. 今天,世界上最神秘的国家之一传来了一些好消息,朝鲜允许一名被扣押的美国公民离开朝鲜,目前朝鲜仍扣押着两名美国公民。

    A bit of hopeful news today out of one of the world 's most secretive nations - North Korea allowed one of three detained Americans to leave the country .

  29. 内马尔在比赛中一传一射,巴西队挺进8强,将在四分之一决赛中迎战比利时队。在周一的比赛中,比利时队以3比2战胜日本队。

    Neymar scored one goal and played a key role in the other as his side set up a quarter-final against Belgium , who beat Japan 3-2 later on Monday .

  30. 教练员应在平时训练中加强自由人一传训练,以有利于比赛中战术的组织运用。

    A pass is not in place , Coaches should strengthen one pass training in peace time to the free people in order to facilitate the organization and use of race tactics .