
  1. 口腔金瓷修复体(PFM)具有颜色逼真、耐磨性强等优点,广泛应用于牙齿缺损、牙列缺损及牙齿美容的修复等。

    PFM has the advantages of real color and anti-milled , widely used in restoration of teeth destroyed , teeth incomplete and teeth beauty .

  2. 目的:口腔中的常见病、多发病如龋病、牙周病,是导致牙齿缺损、缺失的最主要原因,给人类的身心健康带来巨大的危害。

    Objective : The frequently-occurring oral diseases such as caries and periodontal disease are causes of tooth defects , tooth losing , and very harmful to the physical and mental health of human being .

  3. 方法随机选取1126件义齿修复病例,分析牙齿缺损位置、数量与性别和年龄的关系及修复体的类型,并对采用新技术进行的特殊设计进行分析。

    Method 1126 removable partial dentures were selected randomly , retrospective analysis were used to evaluate the position and number of tooth loss , sex , age of cases and type of restoration , recently applied special designs were investigated , too .

  4. 人类的上下颌牙齿全部缺损后,称为无牙颌,需要全口义齿修复。

    Human jaws are called edentulous jaws when all teeth have been lost , and need to replaced by full dentures .

  5. 这些因素包括:患者年龄,性别,职业,修复原因,修复史,个性,对PFM修复的期望(对牙齿缺失、缺损的态度,PFM对自身形象的影响)等。

    These factors include patient 's age , sex , occupation , restore reason , history of restoration , personality , expectation for PFM ( attitude to teeth losing / damage , effect on their images ) ect .

  6. 检查牙齿的个别缺损是外科的事。

    Examination of the teeth for individual defects is a surgical subject .

  7. 夹层技术修复牙齿楔状缺损的疗效观察

    Clinical Effect of Retention Wedge-shaped Defect by Sandwich Technique

  8. 牙齿表面组织缺损的诊断和修复治疗

    The diagnosis and restoration of surface defect of teeth

  9. 牙齿楔状缺损修复临床研究

    Clinical Investigation of Restoration of Wedge - Shaped Defect

  10. 836名退休职工牙齿楔状缺损调查及病因分析

    Investigation on the situation and cause of the wedge-shaped defect of tooth in 836 retired people

  11. 目的评价脉冲Nd:YAG激光在修复牙齿楔状缺损中的临床效果。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of pulse Nd : YAG laser on restoration of wedge-shaped defects .

  12. 牙齿表面组织缺损的治疗应该在控制病因的基础上,根据牙齿硬组织缺损的程度,选择合理的修复方案。

    The restoration of the surface defect of teeth should be based on the degree and extent of the defect after the pathogenic factors were removed .

  13. 结果:牙齿颈部楔状缺损程度不同组间与唾液流速、pH值及缓冲无差异。

    Results : No different was found between groups in salivary flow rate , pH and buffer capacity .

  14. 目的:调查老年人唾液流速、pH值及缓冲力的变化与牙齿颈部楔状缺损的关系。

    Objective : The aim of the study was to investigate the relation of some saliva factors to wedge-shape defects of tooth in the elderly .

  15. 牙齿颈部楔状缺损光固化修复后充填物脱落原因分析

    The Reasons of Restoration Falling from Cervical Wedge - shaped Defects of Teeth

  16. 对牙齿移动速度的研究表明,牙齿在缺损修复区的移动速度要快于正常组织。

    The study on the tooth movement speed showed that : the tooth movement in the bone repair area was greater that in the normal bone tissue and the main movement style was bodily movement .