
  • 网络tooth sensitivity;Sensitive Teeth;dentine hypersensitivity
  1. 结论:充填法治疗磨耗引起的牙齿敏感症疗效肯定。

    CONCLUSION : Treatment of tooth hypersensitivity caused by attrition with plombage is effective .

  2. 目的:比较确切有效的治疗由磨耗引起的牙齿敏感症的方法。

    AIM : To compare the definite effective methods to handle tooth hypersensitivity caused by attrition .

  3. 治疗后11例出现牙齿敏感症状,24h后症状全部消失。

    The sensitivity symptom suffered in 11 cases and disappeared after 24 h.

  4. 脱敏药物治疗牙齿敏感症的临床疗效观察

    Clinical observation of therapeutic effect of dentin hypersensitivity by desensitization medicament

  5. 35例牙齿敏感症的ND:YAG激光治疗分析

    ND : YAG Laser Therapy for 35 Cases of Dental Hyperesthesia

  6. 还有很多人说,菠萝对牙齿敏感也很有帮助。

    Many people claim that pineapple also helps tooth sensitivity .

  7. 玻璃离子粘固剂治疗牙齿敏感症

    Treatment of Sensitive Symptom of Teeth with Glass Ionic Cement

  8. 含氟草酸钾凝胶对牙齿敏感症的疗效观察

    Effects of potassium oxalate with fluoride gel on dentin hypersensitivity

  9. 反复攻击脆弱的牙釉质可导致蛀牙和牙齿敏感。

    Repeated attacks weaken enamel , leading to cavities and sensitive teeth .

  10. 充填法治疗磨耗引起的牙齿敏感症

    Treatment of tooth hypersensitivity caused by attrition with plombage

  11. 结果两种材料充填后牙合面或邻面形态无显著性差异,而边缘密合度、修复体折裂、牙齿敏感等方面两治疗组间差异显著,前者优于后者。

    Results No significant difference in the shape between two groups was found .

  12. 目的观察脉冲Nd:YAG激光促进氟保护漆治疗牙齿敏感症的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical effect on dentin hypersensitivity with fluor protector combined with pulse Nd : YAG laser .

  13. 结论:三种方法治疗牙齿敏感症均有较好的即刻效果,远期疗效以激光组和激光加氟化钙组为优,激光氟化钙组半年后疗效仍为67.9%,显示了较好的应用前景。

    Conclusion : The immediate effect in every method is good , long-dated efficiency in laser and laser - with-CaF 2 groups are better than Gluma group , especially , laser - with-CaF2 group shows good prospect .

  14. 不要磨牙,否则会导致牙齿更加敏感。

    Don 't grind your teeth , which can cause increased sensitivity .

  15. 目的:应用脉冲Nd:YAG激光治疗牙齿颈部敏感症。

    Objective : To study the clinical effect of Nd : YAG laser in treatment of hypersensitive dental necks .

  16. 过度刷牙,尤其是用硬毛牙刷刷牙会导致牙齿高度敏感——所以,使用软毛牙刷来彻底刷牙,但是不要太用力。

    Overzealous brushing , particularly with a hard-bristled toothbrush , can actually lead to hypersensitive teeth - so use a soft-bristled brush and be thorough but not too aggressive .

  17. 下腭上的这颗牙齿对冷热很敏感。

    This tooth on the lower jaw is sensitive to cold and hot .