
yá fěn
  • tooth powder;dentifrice
牙粉 [yá fěn]
  • [tooth powder] 刷牙时用的粉状物,主要用碳酸钙、肥皂粉、香料、杀菌剂等制成

牙粉[yá fěn]
  1. 但是犯人们总能找到办法弄到。现在他们用牙线慢慢钜金属,抹上牙粉增加摩擦力。

    He says they actually use dental floss to slowly saw away at the metal , adding tooth powder to increase the friction .

  2. 两个伙计和学徒就乱哄哄地拿过脸盆,毛巾,牙刷,牙粉来装配成一组。(补牙用的)粘固粉。

    The salesmen and the apprentices noisily collected the wash-basins , wash-cloths , tooth brushes and boxes of tooth powder , and arranged them into sets .

  3. 实验材料:0号造牙粉,人胎盘羊膜,100%甘油,葡萄糖盐水,维生素C注射液,庆大霉素注射液,2%荧光素钠,输液器等。

    Materials ; imported teeth plastic powder , human fetus amniot-ic mebrane , 100 % glycerol , glucose solution , vitamin C injection , gentamycine injection , 2 % fluorescence .

  4. 方法使用物理及化学方法去除牙齿表面污染物,经脱钙、裂解、纯化从牙粉中提取DNA进行STR分型。

    Method The teeth DNA was extracted using cleansing , pulverizing , de-calcification , lysis and purification , followed by STR typing .

  5. 结论在牙周基础治疗后,使用中药牙粉配合有效刷牙,可提高控制龈上菌斑的效果、减缓菌斑堆积。

    Conclusion The traditional Chinese medicine dentifrice is helpful in plaque control after periodontal treatment .

  6. 方法按照天然前磨牙尖的大小,放大10倍,测试的模型用甲基丙烯甲脂(0号造牙粉)翻制而成。

    Methods The experimental model made from methyl-methacrylate ( 0 resin ) and enlarged 10 folds larger of the native premolar teeth was used .

  7. 1918年陈蝶仙成立家庭工业社,研制出一种名叫无敌牌的牙粉,从此走上实业家的道路。

    He invented the dentifrice called WuDi and founded the Family Industry Manufactory in 1918 . Since then he chooses his way as a industrialist .

  8. 那人是一个兜卖整套牙齿、牙膏、牙粉和药酒的走江湖的牙科医生。

    He was a quack dentist on his rounds , who was offering to the public full sets of teeth , opiates , powders and elixirs .

  9. 牙粉(膏)用于洁齿的物质,例如牙膏或牙粉雕刻和模型制品制模膏(不包括齿板条状,马足状的牙蜡)

    A substance , such as a paste or powder , for cleaning the teeth . modelling paste carved or moulded articles of ( excl. plates , horseshoe shapes or sticks , of dental wax )