
  • my;me;mine
  1. 我的前妻不断地榨取我的每一分钱。

    My ex-wife is bleeding me for every penny I have .

  2. 我的希望和梦想全都破灭了。

    It was the end of all my hopes and dreams .

  3. 这份工作付给我的报酬远远不够。

    The job doesn 't pay anywhere near enough for me .

  4. 我的电脑好像也有它自己的想法!

    My computer seems to have a mind of its own !

  5. 服务台刚刚打电话来说我的客人到了。

    Reception just rang through to say my visitor has arrived .

  6. 那事故给我的教训永远也不会忘记。

    The accident taught me a lesson I 'll never forget .

  7. 虽有轻微碰撞,但我的汽车没有损坏。

    There was a slight collision but my car was undamaged .

  8. 我的衣服不够一周穿的。

    I didn 't have enough clothes to last a week .

  9. 我的家族在这个地区已经生活了不知有多少年了。

    My family has lived in this area from time immemorial .

  10. 你对待我的那一套我都厌倦了。

    I 'm sick of the way you 've treated me .

  11. 不是我的错为什么要我道歉?

    Why should I say sorry when it 's not my fault ?

  12. 能在我的饮料中放点冰块吗?

    Can you just plop some ice in my drink ?

  13. 请把信件转寄到我的新地址。

    Please send the letter on to my new address .

  14. 请挪动一下,你正好挡住了我的视线。

    Please move ; you 're right in my line of vision .

  15. 转学对我的一生有着重大影响。

    Changing schools made a big difference to my life .

  16. 这不,我的休假计划全泡汤了!

    Well , that 's my holiday plans gone up the spout !

  17. 这个密码是我的电话号码的逆序排列。

    The secret number is my phone number in reverse .

  18. 我的头发很快又恢复了本色。

    My hair soon grew back to its natural colour .

  19. 我的工资养不起汽车。

    I can 't afford to run a car on my salary .

  20. 我的成功归功于我的父母。

    I have my parents to thank for my success .

  21. 我的数学成绩总是班上最后一名。

    I was always bottom of the class in math .

  22. 我的秘书很会替我推掉不相干的电话。

    My secretary is very good at filtering my calls .

  23. 挪动一下好吗?你挡住我的光线了。

    Could you move ─ you 're in my light .

  24. 我的事业似乎在走下坡路。

    My career seemed to be on a downward trajectory .

  25. 我们的连衣裙是一样的,只是我的那件是红色。

    Our dresses were the same except mine was red .

  26. “待人宽如待己。”这就是我的座右铭。

    ‘ Live and let live . ’ That 's my motto .

  27. 我的新工作和旧工作差不多。

    My new job is much the same as the old one .

  28. 我的精神集中不起来,大概是太累了吧。

    I couldn 't concentrate , presumably because I was so tired .

  29. 大火吞噬了我的一些最珍贵的物品。

    I lost some of my most prized possessions in the fire .

  30. 你们是不是在背后说我的闲话?

    Have you been talking about me behind my back ?