
  • 网络We Have Love;We got love;We had love
  1. 孩子就像一张未做答的试卷,待我们有爱去填写。

    The child is like a do not make a test paper , for we have love to fill in .

  2. 但是我们有爱,有激情,有奥运会门票。所以我们可以去为我们的祖国摇旗呐喊。

    Don 't be upset ! As we have love and enthusiasm and we also have tickets for the games , we can cheer our nation on .

  3. 我们有被爱的权利,哪怕我们老了也有!

    We have the right to be loved'til we're70 years old .

  4. 唯有圣灵才能使我们有这种爱。

    Only the Holy Spirit can produce love like that .

  5. 向孩子表达我们有多么爱他们到底有多难呢?

    How hard can it be to show our children how much we love them ?

  6. 但是,对于我来说,它却是一间房子,不是因为它的空间,而是因为我们之间有爱。

    Nonetheless , to me , it was a house , not because of its space , but the love we had .

  7. 因此,我们有是爱的父神、是恩的子神、以及是交通的灵神。

    Thus , we have God the Father as love , we have God the Son as grace , and we have God the Spirit as fellowship .

  8. 我们是有爱的灵魂,我们给予我们自己无限制的爱,并且希望我们能够全然的传达给你们这种扩展的服务,这是我们来此地的目的。

    We are loving souls that give of ourselves with unlimited love , and wish we could fully convey to you the extent of the service we are here to give you .

  9. 我们有很多的爱要实现。

    And we 've so much love to make .

  10. 我们当然有理由爱我们的动物朋友。

    We love our animal friends , of course , and for good reason .

  11. 我们有多么的爱你们。

    How much we love you .

  12. 但我们对它们有爱,这是人类生活很重要的元素。

    But we have a kind of love for them , which is a very important element of human life .

  13. 害怕被拒绝,往往软化,当我们知道有人爱我们不管我们的成功或失败,我们可以接受几乎任何挫折或拒绝。

    The fear of rejection is often softened and we can undergo almost any setback or rejection when we know someone loves us regardless of our success or failure .

  14. 看见了人类的不幸,我们会有炽热的爱。

    See human Unfortunately , we will have intense love .

  15. 孩子是我们的未来,有爱就有未来。

    Children are our future ; Where there is love there is future .

  16. 在我们身边有很多的爱。

    There is a lot of love around us .

  17. 透过耶稣基督的死,我们被释放并有爱的能力。

    We have been set free to love by the death of Jesus Christ .

  18. 我们有一个充满爱的家庭

    that we had the sort of loving family

  19. 所有这些都是对于我们有多少能力去爱的真正考验。

    All these things are a true test of how much you are capable of loving .

  20. 我们才有可能期盼爱、同情,这些珍贵的情感降临。

    We just expect a love probably , sympathize with , these the precious emotion condescend to come .

  21. 感恩节让我们有机会向那些爱并照顾我们的人表达真挚的谢意。

    Thanksgiving Day is an opportunity for us to express our sincerest gratitude to people who love and care for us .

  22. 但实际上,尽管我们大家都可能有爱怪兽公司,我们真的希望看到皮克斯继续走续集路线?

    But really , as much as all of us may have loved Monsters Inc. , do we really want to see Pixar continue to go the sequel route ?

  23. 她说:当我看见韩国朋友看朝鲜电影时,他们可以从中知道朝鲜不是只有政治宣传,我们也有友谊、爱和日常生活。

    When I see my South Korean friends watch North Korean movies they learn there 's more than just propaganda . There 's friendship , love and everyday life in North Korea too , and some movies show that .

  24. 我觉得我们就站这里拍,在我们有爱,凄凉,又穷酸的厨房里。

    So , I thought we 'd shoot it over here in our adorable , scrappy , low-income kitchen .

  25. 我们在温哥华的瑜伽士曾经历过一些困难时期,但是我们彼此有爱,而且都了解我们是在这爱中联结到一起的。

    The yogi 's and yogini 's here in Vancouver have had some tough times but we love each other and know that we are united in this love .

  26. 我不知道在未来的日子里,会有什么灾难降临到我们自己身上,但是,我知道我们有能力战胜灾难,获得重生,只要我们有爱的信心,有坚定的信念。

    I don 't know in the coming days what natural disaster will happen on us , but I know we will be enable to overcome it and survive as long as we have love 's confidences and steady belief .