
zhuānɡ yuàn
  • big house in a village
庄院 [zhuāng yuàn]
  • [a big house in a village] 乡村中的大院落

  1. 海军潜艇学院沙岭庄院区蝇类现场调查与控制

    Field Investigation and Control on Flies in Navy Submarine University

  2. 由贝特基耳加耳、革巴和阿次玛委特乡间,集合前来,原来歌咏者在耶路撒冷四周,为自己建造了庄院。

    Beth-gilgal and the districts of Bega and Azmaveth gathered together in Jerusalem , because the singers had built themselves villages around Jerusalem .

  3. 他紧紧地握了一下他堂妹的手,向奥德利夫人鞠了一躬,然后在拱门的黑色阴影下走了出去,走上了庄院府邸外那条安静的林荫道。

    He pressed his cousin 's hand , bowed to Lady Audley , and walked away under the black shadows of the archway , and out into the quiet avenue beyond the Court .