
  1. “你不过是看看而已。”萨曼莎争辩道,“什么活儿都是我来干。”

    ' You were just looking , ' contends Samantha . ' I was the one doing all the work . '

  2. 纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)的运动生理学家、高级临床营养学家萨曼莎・赫勒(SamanthaHeller)表示:“早餐吃糕点或者午餐吃快餐会消耗你的精力。”

    That breakfast pastry or a fast food lunch can sap your energy , ' says Samantha Heller , an exercise physiologist and a senior clinical nutritionist at New York University .

  3. 纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)的运动生理学家、高级临床营养学家萨曼莎&12539;赫勒(SamanthaHeller)表示:早餐吃糕点或者午餐吃快餐会消耗你的精力。

    ' That breakfast pastry or a fast food lunch can sap your energy , ' says Samantha Heller , an exercise physiologist and a senior clinical nutritionist at New York University .

  4. 在《秘谍夫妻》中,特工萨曼莎•布鲁姆(SamanthaBloom)不在异国他乡追踪俄罗斯军火贩子的时候,便在洛杉矶经营一家餐馆。

    In'Undercovers , 'special agent Samantha Bloom runs a Los Angeles catering business , when she 's not chasing down Russian arms dealers in exotic locales .

  5. 从她最小的孩子、今年八岁的萨曼莎(Samantha)出生后,他们家就没有拍过专业的全家福。

    Her family had not had a professional family portrait taken since their youngest child , Samantha , now 8 , was born .

  6. 但是,由于需要快速搬离,卡梅伦和妻子萨曼莎(Samantha)面临着物流方面的挑战,比如他们要住在哪里就是一个问题。

    But the rapid departure poses logistical challenges for Mr. Cameron and his wife , Samantha , including the question of where to live .

  7. 这个项目前不久在洛杉矶录制,朗诵者共28名,有明星播音员斯科特•布里克(ScottBrick)、作曲家亚尼斯•伊恩(JanisIan)和英国演员萨曼莎•埃加(SamanthaEggar)等。

    The project was recently recorded in Los Angeles by a cast of 28 narrators , including superstar narrator Scott Brick , songwriter Janis Ian and English actress Samantha Eggar .

  8. 萨曼莎会把它写成故事发表到。

    Samantha will write a story about it for the paper .

  9. 萨曼莎非常大胆的没有戴礼帽。

    SamCam took a fashion risk by not wearing a hat .

  10. 萨曼莎:你在陪审团的第一天工作怎么样?

    Samantha : How was your first day on a jury ?

  11. 如果这孩子和萨曼莎的失踪

    If this kid hadanything to do with samantha 's disappearance ,

  12. 萨曼莎不会再有人伤害你了

    Samantha ... no one is going to take you again .

  13. 萨曼莎:我才不会参加这样的航游。

    Samantha : I 'm not going on a singles cruise .

  14. 萨曼莎:你的行为非常不雅。

    Samantha : It 's indecent the way you 're behaving .

  15. 萨曼莎:嗯,我很高兴听到这个消息。

    Samantha : Um , I 'm glad to hear that .

  16. 萨曼莎:哇,那你的责任就重了。

    Samantha : Wow , that 's a lot of responsibility .

  17. 萨曼莎的弟弟尼克当时也在影院里。

    Samantha 's brother , Nick , was also at the theater .

  18. 然后萨曼莎做了一件她第一次约会决不会做的事

    And then Samantha did something rather shocking for a first date .

  19. 萨曼莎:我真希望处在你的位置。

    Samantha : I wish I were in your place .

  20. 萨曼莎:不,不,这就够了。

    Samantha : No , no , that 's all for now .

  21. 萨曼莎:是的,但是我真的很喜欢竞争,所以…

    Samantha : Yeah , but I really love competing , so ...

  22. 当夏洛特得到了忠贞的承诺、萨曼莎炫耀着她的不忠的时候,

    And while Charlotte embraced fidelity , and Samantha flaunted her infidelity ...

  23. 萨曼莎玩一个20个问题的游戏好吗

    Samantha ... I 'm going to play 20questions , all right ?

  24. 萨曼莎:这次股票市场暴跌得真厉害。

    Samantha : This stock market crash is really bad .

  25. 萨曼莎:我想我就是一时大脑空白了。

    Samantha : I just sort of blanked out , I guess .

  26. 教授:嗨,萨曼莎,田径运动会怎么样?

    Professor : Hi Samantha , how did your track meet go ?

  27. 还在搜这栋房子发现了萨曼莎的毛衣

    Still searching the house . Found samantha 's sweater .

  28. 我问问夏洛特和萨曼莎有没有空。

    I 'll see if Charlotte and Samantha are free .

  29. 萨曼莎决定一个人好好享受音乐。

    Samantha decided to treat herself to a night of great music .

  30. 如果他杀了萨曼莎那就是他的战利品

    If he killed samantha , it 's a trophy .