
hóng yī zhǔ jiào
  • cardinal
红衣主教 [hóng yī zhǔ jiào]
  • [cardinal] 天主教中由教皇任命仅次于教皇的高级教士,作为红衣主教院的成员兼助教皇

红衣主教[hóng yī zhǔ jiào]
  1. 红衣主教温宁的许诺使他们受到鼓舞。

    They were encouraged by a promise from Cardinal Winning .

  2. 戴利主教说他听到红衣主教去世的消息后感到极为震惊和难过。

    Bishop Daly said he was devastated by news of the Cardinal 's death

  3. 红衣主教梅斯基亚无疑是个怪人。

    Cardinal Meschia was without doubt a singular character

  4. 1448年,尼古拉斯被任命为红衣主教。

    In 1448 , Nicholas was appointed a cardinal

  5. 休谟红衣主教大人主持了弥撒。

    His Eminence Cardinal Hume celebrated Mass .

  6. 他成了一位红衣主教。

    He was made a cardinal .

  7. 红衣主教团举行了秘密会议来选举新教皇。

    A conclave of cardinals was held to elect the new Pope .

  8. 红衣主教感到恼火,脸涨得通红。

    The Cardinal coloured with vexation .

  9. 法国红衣主教RogerEtchegaray也在该事件中受伤,腿部骨折。

    French Cardinal Roger Etchegaray was also injured in the incident , suffering a broken leg .

  10. 纽约大主教、尊敬的红衣主教蒂莫西多兰(timothydolan),将在共和党坦帕(tampa)党代会上做结束祷告。

    The Archbishop of New York , the formidable Timothy cardinal Dolan , is giving the closing invocation at the Tampa convention .

  11. 红衣主教SeanBrady选择在北爱尔兰阿尔马大教堂圣帕特里克日布道时进行公开道歉。

    Cardinal Sean Brady chose to a very public apology in his St. Patrick 's Day sermon in the cathedral in Armagh , in Northern Ireland .

  12. 博洛尼亚的Mezzofanti红衣主教是一个身处于俗世的圣人。

    CARDINAL MEZZOFANTI of Bologna was a secular saint .

  13. 这幅地图于1794年在葡萄牙被红衣主教斯蒂芬诺博吉亚(stefanoborgia)发现,他将其收入据他所说来自于“世界四方”的丰富私人收藏品中。

    It was found in Portugal in 1794 by Cardinal Stefano Borgia and added to his rich collection of treasures from what he termed the " four parts of the world " .

  14. 教皇本笃的复活节弥撒在大雨滂沱的圣彼得广场进行,出人意料地以资深红衣主教AngeloSodano的辩护开场。

    Pope Benedict 's Easter Mass celebrated in the rain-swept St Peter 's Square began with a surprise speech in defence of the pontiff by Cardinal Angelo Sodano , a senior Vatican cardinal .

  15. 随着一缕白烟于1978年10月16日在梵蒂冈升起,波兰红衣主教——卡罗尔•约瑟夫•沃伊蒂瓦(KarolJozefWojtyla)——成为400多年来第一位非意大利教皇。

    With a puff of white smoke at the Vatican on Oct. 16 , 1978 , a Polish cardinal ─ Karol Jozef Wojtyla ─ was chosen as the first non-Italian pope in more than 400 years .

  16. 第二是红衣主教这两顶高帽子也可以卖不少钱。

    And then he had the two hats to sell besides .

  17. 红衣主教团选举教皇并为其咨询。

    The C college of Cardinals elects and advises the Pope .

  18. 教皇有一个由红衣主教和主教组成的议院。

    The Pope has a house with cardinals and bishops .

  19. 我同比尔和斯佩尔曼红衣主教一起吃过晚饭。

    I 've had dinner with Bill and Cardinal Spellman .

  20. 它的建筑优美,正对着红衣主教比拉格的喷泉。

    It is opposite the fountain of Cardinal de Birague .

  21. 由红衣主教鲁格和其他大主教签的牧函。

    Of the pastoral letter signed by Cardinal Logue and other bishops .

  22. 115位红衣主教有了一致的决定。

    The one 115 cardinals have come to a desicion .

  23. 他今天下午约了红衣主教。

    He had an appointment with his eminence this afternoon .

  24. 红衣主教将举行秘密会议选举本笃十六世的接任者。

    Cardinals will hold a conclave to decide on Benedict 's successor .

  25. 格哈尔德先生,红衣主教不肯见我。

    Mister gebhardt , the conclavist doesn 't want to see me .

  26. 红衣主教,我也请你原谅。

    Your eminence , I ask your pardon , too .

  27. 国会屈服于红衣主教之下。

    The Parliament groveled in the dust at the Cardinal 's feet .

  28. 他轻松而又风趣地谈论国王和红衣主教。

    He talked lightly and amusingly of kings and cardinals .

  29. 我曾给红衣主教斯巴达当过二十年秘书。

    I was for twenty years cardinal spada 's secretary ;

  30. 当红衣主教成为教皇,他们会遵循传统选择一个新的名字。

    When cardinals become pope , they traditionally choose a new name .