
  • 网络islamic government
  1. 此次革命结束了该国的君主政体,取而代之的是伊斯兰宗教政府。

    The revolution replaced the country 's monarchy with an Islamic religious government .

  2. 印度尼西亚一个最有影响力的伊斯兰组织希望政府取消计划于下个月举行的世界小组竞选。

    One of Indonesia 's most influential Islamic groups wants the government to cancel the Miss World pageant scheduled next month .

  3. 我们省政府的要员大多属于宗教政党团体。无论任何人,只要宣称自己是为了伊斯兰而战,政府就听之任之。

    Our provincial government was still made up of mullah parties who wouldn 't criticise anyone who claimed to be fighting for Islam .

  4. 阿布迪拉赫曼在埃拉沙难民营说,自从伊斯兰武装分子拆除了政府检查站以来,世界粮食计划署增加了援助物资的运送。

    Abdirahman , at the Elasha camp , said that the World Food Program had increased deliveries since Islamist fighters dismantled government checkpoints in the area .

  5. 2006年年底,埃塞俄比亚向索马里派出几千人的部队,推翻了伊斯兰分子掌权的政府,扶植了一个政教分离、但不受欢迎的政府,政府成员基本是原来的派系领导人。

    In late 2006 , Ethiopia sent thousands of troops to Somalia to oust Islamists from power and install a secular-but-unpopular government made up largely of former factional leaders .

  6. 许多索马里人当时不相信埃塞俄比亚会履行诺言从索马里撤军,以便由伊斯兰武装人员和政府军组成的联合部队接管索马里的治安。

    Many Somalis did not believe Ethiopia would follow through on its promise to withdraw and allow a joint force of Islamist fighters and government troops to take over security .

  7. 伊斯兰叛乱分子和支持政府武装在摩加迪沙南部发生冲突,另有至少七人被杀。此前,首都北部发生战争,造成至少6人死亡,一天后战斗转移到摩加迪沙。在该城市南部,伊斯兰叛乱分子与政府士兵和义勇军联盟激烈交火。

    Fighting returned to Mogadishu a day after clashes in the north of the capital killed at least six people , Islamist insurgents traded mortar and machine-gun fire with government soldiers and allied militia members in the city 's south .