
  • 网络universal;oecumenical
  1. 这首歌的词曲作者之一克里斯汀•安德森•洛佩兹在接受《多伦多明星报》的采访时则认为LetItGo的全球走红源自其普世性的主题。

    Kristen Anderson-Lopez , who co-wrote the track , told The Toronto Star she believes Let It Go 's global appeal is a result of its universal themes .

  2. 它们是普世价值观,普遍有利于社会进步。

    They are universal , and universally beneficial to societal advance .

  3. 阿民念认为清楚和重要的经文教导:神的爱,普世的恩典,以及人类绝对的自由意志(libertarianfreewill)是居于首位的(比其他的属性更重要)。

    Arminians think that the clear and important passages teach the primacy of God 's love ( over other attributes ), the universality of grace , and the libertarian free will of human beings .

  4. 儒家政治伦理的人本倾向与普世关怀

    The Humanism inclination of Confucian Political Ethics and Concerns about Universalism

  5. 但如我刚才所说,马太的结尾很普世。

    As I said , the ending of Matthew is universalizing .

  6. 对于普世观点来说,今年可不是一个好年头。

    This has not been a good year for conventional wisdom .

  7. 我们为什么必须批判抵制普世价值观

    Why Should We Must Criticize and Reject " Universal Value "

  8. 普世伦理的正义及其对功利价值的优先性

    On Ethical Justice As An Universal Principle and its Priority Utility

  9. 不过,普世观点正开始转为反对指数基金。

    But the conventional wisdom is starting to shift against indexing .

  10. 同时,这一时期的宣传体现出很强的普世特点。

    Meanwhile , propaganda in this period showed obvious universal character .

  11. 这部分论述的是构建普世伦理的可行性。

    This part discussed the feasibility of building the universal ethics .

  12. 时间决定了一国的发展空间,因为发展越早,越不受普世价值观和国际体系结构的约束;

    Development space of a country is refrained by the time .

  13. 普世伦理的当代困境及出路研究

    The Study on Current Dilemma and Outlet of Universal Ethic

  14. 普世性博物馆的历史陈账与现实的回声

    The Overage - Account and Present-Echo of the Universal Museums

  15. 普世伦理是当前应用伦理学研究的热点问题。

    Universal Ethic is a popular issue of applied ethics at current .

  16. 全球化背景下的普世价值观批判性分析

    The Context of Globalization of the " Universal Values " Critical Analysis

  17. 另一个崭新的普世观点是:大宗商品会给你带来好处。

    Another bright new orthodoxy was : commodities are good for you .

  18. 布鲁姆操着纽约口音呼吁普世人性。

    Bloom spoke up for universal humanity in a New York accent .

  19. 他还表示,公平贸易并非一项普世发展战略。

    He adds that Fairtrade is not a strategy for development worldwide .

  20. 普世文化是全球化在文化领域中的反映。

    The universal culture is the reflection of globalization in cultural fields .

  21. 第三部分:普世伦理出路探究。

    Section 3 : the explore of the outlet of Universal Ethic .

  22. 衰老这件事是有普世性的

    So there 's something about aging that 's kind of universal .

  23. 但西方应该对普世价值观表现出更大的信心。

    But the West should show much greater confidence in universal values .

  24. 从视域融合看基督教普世救主信仰的形成

    Formation of Christian Ecumenist Belief in Savior from the Fusion Horizons Perspective

  25. 泉州海上丝路文化的普世价值及重要启示

    Universal Value and Important Revelation of Sea Silk Road Culture in Quanzhou

  26. 世界一流大学的普世精神及其悖论

    The Univeral Spirit of Worldwide First - class Universities and Its Paradox

  27. 论罗马天主教的普世性救恩神学观念

    Remarks on the Theological Thought of Universal Grace of Roman Catholic Church

  28. 普世伦理广告心态刍议

    Initial Research into the Advertisement Psychology of the Universal Ethics

  29. 宪政这一制度文明其实拥有整个人类所共同追求的普世价值。

    Constitutionalism has the universal values which are pursued by all mankind .

  30. 儒家和理念的普世价值

    The Common-Value on the Idea of He in Confucianism