
  • 网络tour guide;tour guide service;guide service;Guiding Services
  1. 北京导游服务如何收费?

    What 's the charge of Beijing tour guide services ?

  2. 我们还提供导游服务,包括佛教旅游,餐饮旅游,购物旅游和近郊旅游。

    We also provide tour guide service , including Buddhism tour , restaurant tour , shopping tour and suburb tour .

  3. 免费提供导游服务。详情请致电。

    Guided tours are offered free.Call for more information .

  4. 基于GIS的旅游导游服务系统设计

    Design of Tourist Guide Service System Based on GIS

  5. 从软件工程角度介绍一个基于GIS的旅游导游服务系统的系统设计,给出了详细的设计方案和应用实例。

    Describes design of tourist guide service system from software engineering , introduces the design of system scheme and examples of application .

  6. 以单人假日公司(SolosHolidays)为例,这家英国公司专为单人旅行者提供向导游服务,它在英国同业中历史最悠久、规模也最大。

    Take Solos Holidays , one of the oldest and largest companies in Britain offering guided getaways for solo travelers .

  7. 采用ROSETTA系统挖掘了旅游服务质量评价的一些关联规则,如旅游交通条件和导游服务水平是影响旅游服务质量的最重要因素;

    The association rules in tourism service quality information are abstracted by applying ROSETTA , such as the tourism traffic and the service of ciceroni both are the important factors .

  8. 提供高质量的导游服务是游客满意的根本。

    A good quality service is the basis of tourist satisfaction .

  9. 基于游客感知的导游服务质量管理研究

    Study on Management of Service Quality of Tour Guide Perceived by Tourists

  10. 免费的导游服务从下午三点开始。

    A free , guided tour starts at 3pm .

  11. 对提高导游服务质量的探讨

    Think about Increasing of the Guiding Service Quality

  12. 加快工业旅游导游服务队伍的建设;

    Quickening the development of the tourist team ;

  13. 因此提高导游服务质量具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , it is highly important to raise the quality of tour guides .

  14. 用国、粤语两种语言为游客、团体提供咨询、导游服务。

    The center offers consultation & guide service to tourists in Mandarin or Cantonese .

  15. 如何科学持久地提升贵州导游服务质量

    How to improve the service quality of tour guides in Guizhou in a sustained way

  16. 这二者正是制约导游服务质量提高的根本原因。要解决这一问题,首先要力促导游职业终身化,甚至可以考虑将导游纳入专业技术人员类别内;

    These are the basic reasons to restrict the improvement of the tourism service quality .

  17. 市内有提供导游服务的旅游路线,几乎涵盖了托马斯生活中的方方面面:他童年时的家;

    There are guided tours of nearly every aspect of Thomas 's life : His childhood home ;

  18. GB/T15971-1995导游服务质量

    Quality of tour-guide service

  19. 比如在博物馆里提供导游服务,或是在一座新城市里标出地标建筑等。

    That could include things like providing a tour of a museum or describing landmarks in a new city .

  20. 以上报价包含酒店接送,合车游览,英文导游服务,游江船票。

    The quotation includes hotel pick up service , seat-in-coach basistransportation , English tour guide service , cruise ticket .

  21. 导游服务质量一直是旅游服务领域中争议的焦点。

    Service quality of a tour guide has always been the focus of controversy in the area of tourism service .

  22. 总之,导游服务中的许多问题都是由多方面原因造成的,我们要客观地进行评价。

    Anyway , problems in tour guide service are produced from many reasons and we should treat the problems objectively .

  23. 该平台的成功搭建将为园林导游服务注入新的活力,使导游服务更加现代化、智能化。

    This platform will definitely inject new energy into garden tour guiding service , and make the tour guiding service more modern and intelligent .

  24. 散客旅游服务就是旅行社按照散客的要求提供各项导游服务,主要有旅游咨询服务、单项委托服务和选择性导游服务。

    Individual travel service is a kind of guide service provided by travel agency that is in accordance with the requirements of individual tourist .

  25. 提高导游服务质量的新视角&兼论我国导游管理和研究20年

    New Visual Angle of Improving the Quality of Guide Service s & Concurrently A Review of Guide Service Management and Research in the Past 20 Years

  26. 导游服务质量问题的根源分析与对策研究&基于利益相关者理论和游客感知视角

    An Analysis of the Source of Problems regarding Tour Guide Service Quality and Study for Countermeasures & Based on Stakeholder Theory and Visitors ' Perceptive Visual Angle

  27. 所以,导游服务质量的好坏不仅关系到游客参观游览效果的大小,而且关系到游客在使用其它旅游服务时的态度。

    Therefore , the quality of tour guides not only affects the result of tour activities , but affects the willingness of tourists for more tour services .

  28. 跨文化交际在旅游服务中有举足轻重的作用,要求学习者在为外国游客提供导游服务时一定要有跨文化的意识。

    Intercultural communication plays a vital role in tourism service . Learners of English For Tourism have to have the international-cultural awareness while learning guiding the tour .

  29. 导游服务质量的好坏直接影响着旅行社产品的销售,而导游员的满意度直接影响着导游的服务质量。

    The quality of tourist service directly affects the selling of travel agency , while the satisfaction degree is also a direct factor to the quality of tourist service .

  30. 除了校园导游服务,来自中国两所最高学府的学生们还将为顾客们拍照,并且与孩子们分享他们的学习方法。

    Except for a campus guiding service , students from these two top universities in China will also take photos for the customers and share their learning methods with kids .