
  • 网络conductive silicone rubber
  1. 通过对镍粉填充RTV硅橡胶的电阻率的测量确定了镍基导电硅橡胶的渗滤值点。

    By measuring electrical resistivity of RTV silicone rubber with Ni powder , percolation threshold of Ni-based conductive silicone rubber was confirmed .

  2. 自然老化对导电硅橡胶线性特性的影响

    Influence of natural aging on linear characteristic of conductive silicone rubber

  3. 炭黑/纳米Al2O3填充柔性压敏导电硅橡胶体系的研究

    Research on the Flexible Tactile System Composed of Carbon Black / Nano-Al_2O_3 / Silicone Rubber

  4. 导电硅橡胶导电性和电热性的研究

    Study on electrical conductivity and electroheat property of electrical conductive silicone rubber

  5. 镀银玻璃微珠填充导电硅橡胶的研制

    Development of Conductive Silicone Rubber filled with Silver-Plated Glass Beads

  6. 镀银铜粉填充型导电硅橡胶的研究

    Study on the electrically conductive silicone rubber filled with silver-plated copper powder

  7. 温度对导电硅橡胶电阻特性的影响

    Influence of Temperature on the Resistance Character of the Conductive Silicone Rubber

  8. 二次渗滤现象对镍基导电硅橡胶屏蔽性能的影响

    Influence of double-percolation phenomenon on shielding effectiveness of Ni-based conductive silicone rubber

  9. 磁敏导电硅橡胶的特性及机理

    Characteristic and mechanism of magnetic sensitive conductive silicone rubber

  10. 复合型导电硅橡胶的电阻温度特性研究

    The resistance-temperature properties of the complex conductive silicone rubber

  11. 导电硅橡胶的线性电阻特性研究

    Investigation on Linear Resistance Characteristic of Conductive Silicon Rubber

  12. 填充粒子对复合型导电硅橡胶电阻温度特性的影响

    Effect of Fillers on the Resistance Temperature Properties of the Complex Conductive Silicone Rubber

  13. 炭黑填充复合型导电硅橡胶的导电机理研究及电阻率计算

    Study on Electrical Resistivity Calculation and Conductivity Mechanism of Conductive Silicon Rubber Filled with Carbon Black

  14. 导电硅橡胶研究进展

    Progress on Electrically Conductive Silicone Rubber

  15. 基于新型三维柔性触觉传感器的力敏导电硅橡胶导电机理研究

    Research on Conductive Mechanism of Pressure-sensitive Conductive Silicone Rubber Based on the New Three-dimensional Flexible Tactile Sensor

  16. 白炭黑和炭黑含量对导电硅橡胶拉敏特性影响的研究

    Influence of the content of the white carbon black and carbon black on the pulling sensitive characteristic of the conductive silicon rubber

  17. 与金属镍粉相比,镍包石墨复合粉末价格低廉,有利于其在导电硅橡胶中广泛应用。

    Compared with nickel powder , Ni / graphite composite powder was widely used in conductive silicone rubber because of its low price .

  18. 结果表明,由乙炔炭黑用量和渗滤阈可以预测和控制导电硅橡胶的体积电阻率;

    The results showed that the volume resistivity of electrical conductive silicone rubber could be predicted and controlled by the additional level and threshold of acetylene black ;

  19. 炭黑填充导电硅橡胶材料是一种新型力敏材料,具有优良力学和电学特性、柔韧性好、分辨率高等特点,可用于制作柔性触觉传感器。

    Carbon black filled conductive silicone rubber material is a new type of pressure-sensitive material , has excellent mechanical and electrical properties , good flexibility , high resolution .

  20. 高结构导电炭黑填充硅橡胶复合材料的性能

    Properties of silicone rubber composite filled with high-structured conductive carbon black

  21. 导电型室温硫化硅橡胶的研究

    Research on Electrically Conductive RTV Silicone Rubber

  22. 研究了不同导电填料填充液体硅橡胶的电阻率及屏蔽值随填料配比、拉力的变化特性。

    The dependence of electrical resistance and shielding effectiveness on filler proportioning and tensile force are studied in liquid silicone rubber with different conductive fillers .

  23. 真空灭弧室和绝缘支柱套管设计紧凑,出线导电杆外注硅橡胶,能适应恶劣的气候条件和污秽环境。

    The design of vacuum arcing chamber and insulation support sheath pipe is compact , because the outlet line conduct pole is coated silicon rubber , it can be suitable for bad weather and pollution environment .

  24. 同时,导电填料含量的增加均会提高导电硅橡胶硬度和拉伸强度,降低其扯断伸长率。

    Increasing the content of conductive filler would enhance the hardness and tensile strength , reducing the break elongation at the same time .

  25. 介绍了在一定用途的绝缘聚合物上加适量导电填料(导电炭黑)生产导电塑料与导电硅橡胶弹体等导电聚合材料的方法。

    The method to produce the polymerized material such as conductive plastic and conductive silicon rubber by adding the conductive material ( mainly the carbon black ) is introduced .