
tè xǔ yín hánɡ
  • chartered bank
  1. 他寄给我们一份由特许银行或渣打银行付款的汇票。

    He send us an order on the chartered bank .

  2. 1817年的今天,加拿大最古老的特许银行,蒙特利尔银行在魁北克的蒙特利尔开张。

    1817-The Bank of Montreal , Canada 's oldest chartered bank , opens in Montreal , Quebec .

  3. 州级特许银行同样强烈反对,他们对美利坚第一银行所拥有的实际的和他们想像出来的管理权忿懑不已。

    Equally strong opposition came from state-chartered banks , which resented its real or imagined regulatory power .

  4. 这些特许银行几乎都是私营的,有权发行自己的纸币。

    Almost all of these state-chartered banks were private , with the power to issue their own paper money .

  5. 该小组的重点是将保险公司、州立特许银行以及证券经纪公司的州监管合理化,同时可能成为其它各州甚至联邦政府的表率。

    The focus will be to rationalise state regulation of insurance companies , state-chartered banks and securities dealers and perhaps serve as a model for other states and even the federal government .

  6. 联邦政府特许的商业银行。

    A commercial bank chartered by the federal government .

  7. 法律规定凡是经国家特许设立的商业银行必须是联邦储备系统的成员;

    All nationally chartered commercial banks are required by law to be members of the Federal Reserve system ;

  8. 1816年,按照创建美利坚第一银行的思路,国会特许美利坚第二银行成立。

    In1816 the Congress chartered the Second Bank of the United States along the same lines as the First Bank .

  9. 这一裁定的时机正好是美国人抵制大公司,如美国国会特许的美国第一银行。

    It came as Americans resisted big corporations like the First Bank of the United States , chartered by Congress .

  10. 特许权价值是银行持续经营能力的反映,与银行冒险动机密切相关,是银行风险行为的重要影响因素。

    Charter value is an indicator of banks ' consistent performance and an important factor inducing their risk - taking behaviors .

  11. 银行业是特许经营行业,银行的特许权价值从字面上来看就是银行所获得的特许经营权证的价值。

    Banking is the franchise industry ; franchise value of banks is the value of banks ' franchise warrants in literally .

  12. 胜于联邦政府特许的州政府特许的银行。

    A bank chartered by a state rather than by the federal government .

  13. 特许权价值自律效应理论认为拥有高特许权价值的银行有足够的动机去防范银行破产,因而往往持有足够的资本缓冲来应对市场风险。

    The charter value discipline theories consider banks with a valuable charter will hold a significant amount of capital against market risk since they have enough incentive to prevent the failure of the bank .