
  • 网络bubble column
  1. 动态气泡柱法测定溶气效率

    A Dynamic Bubble Column Method for Determining the Efficiency of Air Saturation

  2. 在气泡柱附近的区域内,速度模与湍动能值与较远的区域内的值相比要大得多,这就增强了这里的传热、传质和化学反应过程。

    Much higher velocity magnitude and turbulent kinetic energy occur in the region around plume , the processes of heat transfer , mass trans-fer and chemical reaction there , for this reason , will be enhanced .

  3. 气泡发生器作为浮选柱的核心部件,一直是浮选柱的研究重点。

    As a core part of flotation column , air-bubble sparger is always the major research emphasis in the design of flotation column .

  4. 通过理论研究得出,回收率随浮选柱的高度增加而增加,而气泡直径也随柱高增加而增大,所以传统浮选柱无法解决这种矛盾。

    The theoretical studies showed that , the bubble size inversely to the height of flotation column , but the recovery proportional to the height , conventional flotation column can not solve this contradiction .

  5. 探讨了不同操作参数、结构参数和物性参数下,两种不同类型气泡发生器对浮选柱的充气性能,并探索了影响浮选柱内气含率因素的规律。

    Carry out air charging experiment in water , and discuss the difference between the two different types of jet aerator in the different operating parameters , structural parameters and material parameters . Explore the laws of impacting on gas holdup in flotation column .