
  • 网络qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome
  1. 各因子治疗前后实热证、气滞血瘀证与其他证型比较,差异都有显著性(P0.05)。

    The sthenic heat syndrome and stagnancy of Blood and Qi syndrome both have difference compared with other kinds of model of each factor ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 气滞血瘀证是OEC最常见的证型。

    Blood stasis based Qi stagnation is the most common syndromes . 3 .

  3. 最大尿流率大于15ml/s者,以气滞血瘀证居多;

    When Max urine rate of flow is larger than 15ml / s , the most syndrome is air sluggish and blood stasis .

  4. 结果:1.180例UC患者中医证型分布情况依次为:湿热内蕴证脾胃虚弱证肝郁脾虚证气滞血瘀证脾肾阳虚证阴血亏虚证,其中以湿热内蕴证为主,占全部患者的28%。

    Results : 1.180 cases of UC patients the distribution of TCM were : damp card weak stomach card Liver Spleen deficiency qi stagnation card spleen deficiency syndrome Yin and Blood deficiency syndrome , which damp cards , accounting for 28 % of all patients . 2 .

  5. 中医辨证属于肝肾亏虚,气滞血瘀证型。

    They were QI stagnation blood stasis , Liver and kidney deficiency type in TCM .

  6. 行气活血法治疗2型糖尿病气滞血瘀证的临床研究

    Clinical study on diabetes type 2 of qi stagnation and blood stasis treated with promoting flow of Qi and blood circulation method

  7. 结论输卵管阻塞性不孕症中最常见证型为气滞血瘀证。

    Conclusion The syndrome of qi stagnation and blood stasis is the most common syndrome type in the infertility induced by oviduct blockage .

  8. 结论:中医小肠病复合证型中,气滞血瘀证、湿阻气滞证较常见。

    Conclusion : Among the complex syndrome types , stagnancy of qi and blood stasis , retention of dampness and stagnation of qi were most common .

  9. 气虚血瘀证和气滞血瘀证原发性肝癌患者临床与病理特征比较研究

    Study on Clinical Presentation and Pathological Features of the Deficiency of Qi and Blood Stasis and the Stagnancy of Qi and Blood Stasis Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

  10. 肝肾亏虚证、气滞血瘀证、阳虚寒凝证、湿热蕴结证是拇外翻的常见中医证型。

    Efficiency of liver and kidney , qi-stagnancy and blood stasis , Yang deficiency and cold coagulation and accumulated dampness-heat are the common TCM syndromes of hallux valgus .

  11. 气滞血瘀证微循环损害者显著增加(P<005~001)。

    The number of the patients with damage of microcirculation was obviously increased ( P < 0 05 ~ 0 01 ) in the pattern of qi stagnation and blood stasis .

  12. 气滞血瘀证与糖尿病颈动脉粥硬化斑块形成有一定相关性,由此体现了活血化瘀在治疗糖尿病动脉粥样硬化的重要性。

    Qistagnation and blood stasis and carotid atherosclerosis plaques of patient with DM , which reflects the blood circulation in the treatment of the importance of DM with carotid atherosclerosis of diabetes .

  13. 中医证的构成与证的表现形式&临床辨证灵活性的理论基础结果两组气滞血瘀证的构成比具有显著性差异(P<0.001);

    Composition of Chinese Medical Syndrome and Its Presentations Results The proportion of the syndrome of qi stagnation and blood stasis in two groups had significant difference ( P < 0.001 ) .

  14. 因而应建议患者及早诊断,尽早治疗。研究结论香附四物汤治疗原发性痛经气滞血瘀证疗效确切,且远期疗效显著。

    And therefore patients should be recommended with early diagnosis and early treatment . Conclusion : Cyperus Si-wu Decoction treatment of primary dysmenorrhea Qi-zhi blood stasis syndrome is effective , safe , and long-term effect is significant .

  15. 研究结果1.香附四物汤颗粒治疗原发性痛经气滞血瘀证在临床疗效、缓解疼痛程度、改善中医证候方面与月月舒痛经宝颗粒并无显著差异。

    Treatment of primary dysmenorrhea Qi-zhi blood stasis syndrome in the clinical efficacy , pain relief , improvement of traditional Chinese medicine syndrome , there is no significant difference between Cyperus Si-wu-tang particles and yue yue Shu particles . 2 .

  16. 归纳出四种基本证候类型:肝肾阴虚证、风邪入络证、脾肾亏虚寒凝证、气滞血瘀湿热证,并总结出各证候的辨证要点。

    Summarized four basic syndromes : Liver and kidney certificate , pathogenic wind into the network card , spleen and kidney deficiency cold coagulation , blood stasis damp-heat syndrome , and summed the differentiation points syndromes .

  17. 提要:目的探讨清脂六通丸治疗高脂血症(气滞血瘀痰浊内阻证)的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical therapeutic effect of Qing Zhi Liu Tong Wan in treating hyperlipidemia ( Qi and blood and endogenous retention of phlegm type ) .