
  • 网络disorder of qi and blood;disharmony of qi and blood
  1. 气血失调是内异症的病理基础。4.少腹血瘀是内异症的根本病机。

    Qi and Blood disorders is the pathological basiss of endometriosis . 4 . Lower abdomen with blood stasis are the fundamental pathogenesis of endometriosis . 5 .

  2. 认为心肾阳虚、气血失调是冠心病发病的基础,风邪是冠心病重要的致病因素,脉滞风阻是冠心病发作的关键病理环节。

    On coronary heart disease , the theory figures that : Deficiency of heart-and kidney-yang and simultaneous disorder of qi-and blood is the basic of sicken ; Wind is the important pathogenic factor ; Vessel-block and wind-block is the key pathology tache .

  3. 中医学认为其病因病机与情志因素、淫邪因素、生活与体质因素等引起肾、肝、脾功能失常、气血失调,影响到冲任失调有关。

    According to the knowledge of gynecology of TCM , many factors such as the disturbance of sentiment , exogenous pathogenic factors , living and body constitution can cause the dysfunction of the Kidney 、 the Liver 、 the Spleen 、 qi and blood and Chongren .

  4. 其病机与中医肝脏及气血功能失调有密切关系。

    The pathogenesis of liver fibrosis is connected with dysfunction of qi and blood .

  5. 结论:采用婴病调母法既能改善母体气血阴阳失调,又可使药物通过乳汁影响乳儿,达到母婴双向调节,是治疗母病及婴消化性腹泻最有效的方法。

    It is the most effective method to treat infantile chronic peptic diarrhea caused by mothers ' diseases .

  6. 老年人因血液循环障而出现的血瘀相关证候称为老年血瘀证.老年人由于脏腑功能衰退,气血阴阳失调,血液循环障碍,血液瘀滞,易于形成血瘀之证。

    Senile Blood Stasis Syndrome means related symptoms and signs resulted from disturbance of blood circulation for old people .

  7. 指腰部感受外邪,或因劳伤,或由肾虚而引起气血运行失调,脉络绌急,腰府失养所致的以腰部一侧或两侧疼痛为主要症状的一类病证。

    Because of the injury , or kidney deficiency caused by the operation of qi and blood disorders , the sequence of tight way lumbar support by the House lost to the side or back pain on both sides of the main symptoms of a disease card .

  8. 导致本病症发生发展的原因,首先是阳气不足,心阳虚衰,病情日重则可导致气血阴阳失调,及寒、痰、瘀、浊的阻滞。

    The first reason of the primary disease was deficient and weak YANG QI , followed the deficiency of heart-yang , pathogenetic condition may result in the imbalance of the yin and yang , qi and blood , and the stoppage of cold , phlegm , stagnant blood .

  9. 本文以气血学说为理论基础,以临床表现及微循环、血液流变性研究结果为论据,提出人体衰老的主要机制在于气血失调、气虚血瘀的观点。

    On the basis of the theory of Qi and blood , the clinical manifestations and the results of research on microcirculation and blood rheology , the writer puts forward the idea that the main mechanism of physical senility is deficiency of Qi and stagnancy of blood .