
  • 网络gas lift valve;glv
  1. ZBF型分流式气举阀的研制与应用

    Development and application of Model ZBF gas lift valve

  2. 气举阀的类型及其应用状况

    Gas Lift Valve Types and Applications

  3. 气举阀动态特性试验与研究

    Investigation in the dynamic characteristics of gas lift valves

  4. 气井气举阀气举排液采气工艺参数设计研究

    Parameter design of ' gas recovery by liquid drainage ' technique with gas lift by gas-lift valve for gas wells

  5. 气举阀是气举采油的关键部件。

    Gas lift valve ( GLV ) is the key component to send natural gas into well in the oil production .

  6. 新研制的ZBY&1型油压控制气举阀的注气量由井筒流压自动控制。

    The volume of the gas injected through this new valve is controlled automatically by the flowing pressure in the well bore .

  7. 叙述了气举阀的功能、结构特点及工作原理等,对不同结构的气举阀进行了分类,并介绍了几种气举阀在国内油田的使用情况。

    The function , structure and working mechanism of gas lift valves are described . Gas lift valves with different structures are sorted and the applications in domestic oilfield of a few gas lift valves are introduced .

  8. 以百分载荷方法为基础设计气举阀的分布及参数,用气体定律确定出每次循环需注气量和环空压降,以产量最大为目标得出循环次数计算方法。

    The distribution and parameters of a gas lift valve are designed based on percentage load method . Gas laws are used to determine gas injection rate and annulus pressure needed in each circulation , and times of circulation calculating method is obtained by using maximum production as an object .

  9. 关于气举井检阀周期统计方法的讨论

    Discussion on the Statistical Method for the Gas-Lift Well Valve-testing Cycle

  10. 气举压缩机止回阀的改进

    Improvement of rocker check Valve for Air - lift Compressor

  11. 针对这一难题,研制了套管防盗油密封阀,并配套应用了井下油气分离器与气举阀助流举升工艺技术。

    According to this problem , casing oil stolen prevention sealing valve was developed , matching with down-hole oil-gas separator and gas lift valve lift technology .

  12. 常用的气举采油管柱存在的问题是气举阀易失效,不能投捞进行更换,严重影响管柱的效率和使用周期。

    The gas lift valve on the conventional gas lift pipe string is easy to fail and cannot be replaced in the hole .

  13. 在气举采油中,传统的套压控制气举阀的开启和关闭主要取决于注气压力(套压),往往造成低产井举空和高压气体打循环;

    The casing-pressure operated gas-lift valve cannot meet the need of recovery of gas-lift wells in Zhongyuan Oilfield .

  14. 针对组合式柱塞气举的工作特点,用降压设计方法确定气举阀的分布及参数;

    In consideration of the operational characteristics of combination plunger gas lift , the distribution and parameters of gas-lift valves are designed with the depressurization method .

  15. 在气举井开井排液时,压井液由油套环空经气举阀进入油管内,易造成气举阀的核心部件波纹管的伤害,影响气举阀的工作寿命。

    However , when the kill fluid enters the tubing from the tubing-casing annulus through the gas lift valve , the core part of the gas lift valve , the bellows , is apt to be damaged , therefore the life of the valve may be shortened .

  16. 气举系统是一个非常严密的系统,包括压缩机组、注入通道、气举阀和举升通道几个部分。

    The gas lifting system is a narrow system extraordinary , including compressor unit , injection channel , lift valve and lifting passage .

  17. 委内瑞拉CARACOLES油田采用适合于油藏特点的半闭式连续气举生产管柱,应用细钢丝投捞技术,不动油井管柱即可实现更换气举阀和换层生产。

    Venezuela Caracoles oilfield adopts the semi-closed gas lift tubing string that is fit for reservoir characteristic , utilizes wireline operation technology to realize exchanging gas lift valves and exchanging layers producing without pulling tubing string .