
pí qi xū
  • spleen qi deficiency
  1. 脾气虚对雄性大鼠性功能影响的实验研究

    Effects of Experimental Spleen Qi Deficiency on the Sexual Function in Male Rats

  2. TNF-a水平在肺气虚组高于脾气虚组,提示肺气虚组气道炎症水平可能高于脾气虚组。

    AND TNF-a levels in lung qi deficiency group than in spleen qi deficiency group , which indicated that airway inflammation in the lung qi group level may be higher than spleen deficiency group .

  3. 脾气虚大鼠脾肝组织蛋白激酶C活性变化的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Activities of Protein Kinase C in Spleen and Liver Tissues of Rats with Spleen-Qi Deficiency Syndrome

  4. X射线照射大鼠腹部塑造脾气虚模型的研究

    Study on the Spleen-deficiency model made by the irradiation of X-rays on abdomen of rats

  5. 实验性脾气虚大鼠血清胃泌素、胃窦G细胞的变化及黄芪建中汤的干预

    The Change of Serum Gastrin and G-cell in Gastric Antrum in Rat Model of Spleen-Qi Deficiency and the Curative Effect of Huangqi Jianzhong Decoction

  6. 结果发现脾阴虚患者的血浆胃动素水平比健康组显著升高(P<0.01),但显著低于脾气虚组(P<0.01)。

    The results showed that plasma motilin level was higher significantly than that of the control group ( P < 0.01 ), but was remarkably lower than that of SQI .

  7. VIP及其受体数量的改变,可能与脾气虚胃肠动力紊乱有关。

    The quantitative change of VIP and VIPR may be concerned with the power of stomach and intestines disorder .

  8. 脾气虚泄泻患者与非脾气虚泄泻患者胃动素和PGE2含量的比较

    Compare Motilin and Prostaglandin E_2 Concentration between Patients of Chronic Diarrhea with and without Spleen-Deficiency

  9. 结论:心血虚、脾气虚和心脾两虚是MCI发病的主要病理因素。

    Conclusion : Deficiency of heart-blood , deficiency of spleen-QI and deficiency of both heart and spleen were the principal pathologic factor of MCI .

  10. 为了探讨脾气虚模型大鼠下丘脑、血浆神经肽Y(NPY)的变化。

    The changes in the level of neuropeptide Y ( NPY ) in the hypothalamus and plasma were investigated in the rats with deficiency of splenic qi .

  11. 结论:1.脾气虚是糖尿病发生的病理基础,由STZ建立的糖尿病大鼠模型具有脾虚的表现特征。

    Conclusion : 1 . Diabetic modal rats set up by STZ had characteristic presentation of spleen deficioncy . The deficiency of spleen Qi is the pathological basis of diabetes mellitus . 2 .

  12. 本研究运用病证结合手段,采用液相色谱-质谱联用(LC-MS)技术的代谢组学方法,以代谢综合征为基础病探讨其脾气虚患者尿液中小分子代谢组成分。

    We investigated the small molecular metabolite in urine of Metabolism syndrome patients as the foundation of spleen qi deficiency using method of disease and syndrome with combination and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry technology .

  13. 肺脾气虚组血β2M高于正常组(P<0.05),尿β2M的升高无统计学意义。

    The content of serum β _2-m was higher in deficiency of lung-qi and spleen-qi than that in control group ( P < 0.05 ), while the increased level of urine β _2-m was not statistically significant .

  14. 慢性持续期肺脾气虚型、气阴两虚型、肝肾阴虚型、脾肾阳虚型四组,组间比较肌酐、GFR水平,无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    There was no statistical significance among Qi deficiency of lung and spleen , Qi and Yin deficiency , Yin deficiency of liver and kidney , Yang deficiency of spleen and kidney in serum creatinine and eGFR ( P0.05 ) .

  15. 建立大鼠哮喘的脾气虚病证结合模型,对其支气管肺泡灌洗液中细胞总数(Tot)、嗜酸性粒细胞数(Eos)及环核苷酸(cAMP和cGMP)含量及二者比值变化进行了观察。

    Methods : The rat asthmatic models with spleen deficiency were set up , investigating the changes of total cell count ( Tot ), eosinophil count ( Eos ), the contents of cAMP and cGMP in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of the animal models .

  16. 脾气虚组TFF1的表达高于脾胃湿热组,可能与胃黏膜严重损伤有关。

    The TFF1 expression in the SDS group was higher than that in the DSSS group , which was probably associated with serious damage of gastric mucosa .

  17. 采用玻璃微电极记录方法,选取大鼠膈神经&膈肌标本,观察了重症肌无力患者血清对健康大鼠与脾气虚大鼠小终板电位(MEPP)的影响。

    To study the effect d serum from myasthenia gravis patient on minor-end-plate electric potential ( MEPP ) of Spleen-Qi Defi - ciency ( SQD ) rats and healthy rats by selecting phrenic nerves-diaphragmatic muscles as samples and recorded by glass micro - electrode .

  18. 强壮灵治疗小儿脾气虚厌食症的研究

    A Research on Infantile Anorexia Treated with Qiang Zhuang Ling

  19. 健脾汤对脾气虚模型小鼠免疫的调整作用

    Regulative Effect of Jianpi Tang on Immunological Function in Spleen Deficiency Mice

  20. 复方黄芪益气汤对实验性脾气虚小鼠的作用

    Effect of Compound Decoction of Astragalus on Spleno - collapse in Mice

  21. 采用两类判别分析,建立脾气虚及脾胃湿热证的判别函数,并进行检验。

    Set up differentiating function of syndrome with Discriminant .

  22. 锌与小儿肺脾气虚型反复呼吸道感染关系探讨

    Relationship Between Zinc and Infantile Repeated Respiratory Infection of Deficiency of Lung-Spleen Qi

  23. 心气虚、脾气虚患者血液动力学、流变学的研究

    Clinical Research on Hemodynamics and Blood-rheology of the Patients with Heart-qi or Spleen-qi Deficiency

  24. 脾气虚大鼠骨胳肌细胞化学研究

    A Chemical Study on Skeletal Muscular Cell of rats with Deficiency of Spleen qi

  25. 高级神经中枢参与脾气虚合并胃溃疡疾病过程的调节。

    Advanced neural center participates in the regulation during spleen-deficiency combined with gastric ulcer .

  26. 脾气虚型多囊卵巢综合征的临证特点研究

    Clinical Study on the Characteristic of Spleen-Qi Deficiency Syndrome in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

  27. 正虚有肺气虚、脾气虚、脾阳虚、肝阴虚、肝血虚、肾精不足。

    Weakness of the body includes weakness of lung , spleen , liver and kidney .

  28. 脾气虚型兔视网膜脱离复位后视细胞超微结构改变的实验研究

    Observation on the changes of photoreceptor cells ' ultrastructure in reattached retina of spleen-qi deficiency rabbit model

  29. 大鼠脾气虚胃溃疡证病结合模型胃肠粘膜局部免疫-神经-内分泌网络的变化

    Study of immuno-neuroendocrine network changes in local gastrointestinal membrane during spleen-deficiency syndrome combined with gastric ulcer in rats

  30. 凋亡细胞脾胃湿热组和脾气虚组均高于正常对照组。

    The apoptotic cells in both the SSDH and SQD groups were higher than those in the control group .