
  • 网络the spleen being the foundation of acquired constitution;the spleen is the foundation of life;spleen is the root of later heaven
  1. 关于脾虚证的实验研究分别从胃肠道功能、免疫和微循环等方面入手,切合中医脾为后天之本的理论。

    Modern empirical researches on splenic asthenia syndrome mainly include the gastrointestinal tract function , immune and microcirculation , which gather TCM theory about " the spleen being the foundation of acquired constitution " .

  2. 而脾为后天之本,是肾藏精的基础。

    The spleen provides the material basis for the acquired constitution , and is necessary for the function of kidney .

  3. 祖国医学认为脾为后天之本,气血生化之源,脾主四肢肌肉,与运动关系密切。

    TCM believes that the spleen the acquired foundation and the origination of qi and blood . Spleen controls the four limbs and muscle which is related to exercise .

  4. 脾为后天之本,气血生化之源,在生命活动过程中占有重要地位。

    The spleen provides the materiel basis of the acquired constitution , is the source of growth and development , and occupies an important position in the course of life activity .

  5. 中医学在延缓衰老的过程中,积累了丰富的临床经验,并形成了丰富的医学理论,中医学强调脾为后天之本、气血生化之源。

    Traditional Chinese Medicine has abundant clinical experience and form theoretical system to postpone decrepitude , it emphasize that spleen is the root of after-birth and the source of qi and blood .

  6. 在提出肺亦为后天之本的同时,并不否定脾的后天之本的作用,强调肺脾同为后天之本。

    The role of the spleen as the acquired source should not be ignored while the lung was emphasized .