
  • 网络Spleen-yang deficiency;spleen-deficiency syndrome
  1. 结论:脾阳虚证状态下,机体各脏器组织MAPK参与的细胞信号转导发生不同的改变。

    Conclusion : The changes of the MAPK signal transduction in the syndrome of spleen-Yang deficiency are different among different tissues .

  2. 采用经典方法,分别复制脾阳虚证和肾阳虚证动物模型。

    Methods : The spleen-Yang deficiency and kidney-Yang deficiency in rats were setup by successive methods at the present .

  3. 结果:脾气虚证和脾阳虚证胃粘膜既可有器质性病变存在(G型),也可无器质性病变存在(F型);

    Results : The gastric mucosa of Spleen Qi deficiency and Spleen Yang deficiency patients could either be affected with organic lesion ( type G ) or unaffected ( type F );

  4. 脾虚证(脾气虚证、脾阳虚证、脾阴虚证)大鼠肝、脾、肾PKC活性和亚型变化及补益脾胃方药调节作用的实验研究

    Experimental Research on PKC in Spleen , Liver , kidney of Rats with Spleen Deficiency Syndromes and Effective Mechanism of Chinese Herbs for Reinforcing Spleen

  5. 结果:脾阳虚证模型组大鼠肝脏和脑组织MAPK活性无明显变化;

    Results : There was no change in the MAPK activity in the cytoplasm of the liver and brain tissue in the model rats of spleen-Yang deficiency syndrome .

  6. 结果:与正常对照组相比,脾阳虚证的肝组织中的谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)活性明显降低(P<0.01),肝细胞端粒长度显著缩短(P<0.01)。

    Result : Compare with the normal control , the activity of GSH-PX in the liver of rat model with spleen Yang deficiency syndrome was lower and telomere length was shorten .

  7. 结果脾气虚证、脾阳虚证和脾阴虚证模型脾组织细胞膜PKC活性明显降低(P<0.01),但组间比较差异无显著性(P>0.05);

    Results PKC activity in cell membrane of splenic tissue significantly decreased in all the rats with PDS ( P < 0.01 ), showed no significant difference among different types ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 脾气虚证、脾阳虚证和脾阴虚证老龄大鼠模型心、脑组织中mtDNA缺失、呼吸链复合体酶活性的变化以及补益脾胃方药作用机制的实验研究

    Experimental Research on mtDNA and Respiratory Chain Complex Kinase in Heart and Brain of Rats with Spleen Qi Deficiency , Spleen Yang Deficiency and Spleen Yin Deficiency Syndrome and Effective Mechanism of Chinese Herbs for Reinforcing Spleen

  9. 方法:采用经典复合造模法塑造脾阳虚证动物模型;

    Methods : The rat model of spleen Yang deficiency syndrome was established by the classical composite factors .

  10. ⑶脾虚证是指脾气虚证或脾阳虚证不是脾阴虚证。

    ⑶ Spleen Deficiency Syndrome means Spleen-Qi Deficiency Syndrome or Spleen-Yang Deficiency Syndrome , but not Spleen-Yin Deficiency Syndrome .

  11. 脾阳虚证大鼠肝组织中端粒长度变化的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Change of Telomere Length in the Liver of Rat Model with Spleen Yang Deficiency syndrome

  12. ⑵脾阳虚证:大便稀、畏寒、淡白舌、浮肿、腹胀。

    ⑵ Spleen-Yang Deficiency Syndrome : loose stool , aversion to cold , pale tongue , edema , abdominal distension .

  13. 方法采用饮食不节、疲劳过度和药物损伤等复合因素建立脾气虚证、脾阳虚证和脾阴虚证大鼠模型;

    Methods Rat models of various PDS types were established by such complex factors as improper diet , over fatigue and drug damage .

  14. 目的:探讨脾气虚证、脾阳虚证、脾阴虚证的动物造模及评价方法。

    Objective : To explore the animal model-making and evaluation method on syndromes of deficiency of spleen-QI , deficiency of spleen-YANG and deficiency of spleen-YIN .

  15. [结论]血清瘦素可能是CRF脾肾气(阳)虚证的部分物质基础,值得做进一步的相关研究。

    [ Conclusion ] Serum leptin may be the partial material base of Qi or yang deficiency syndrome of spleen and kidney and this is worthy doing further research .