
  • 【中医】syndrome of yang deficiency of spleen and kidney
  1. APTT在慢性乙肝不同证型以肝郁血瘀证延长最明显。肝郁血瘀证、脾肾阳虚证与正常组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    Results : 1 . Once the syndrome of liver congestion occurred in chronic type B hepatitis patients , APTT increased the most obviously .

  2. 在5个中医证型中脾肾阳虚证例数最多,与其它各中医证型之间差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    In five of TCM syndrome type spleen and kidney is more than each other , the number of TCM syndromes between statistically significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 脾肾阳虚证、肝肾阴虚证CD4,CD4/CD8均值低于正常。

    The CD_4 T lymphocyte subset counts and the ration of CD_4 / CD_8 in both the " deficiency of liver-Yin and kidney-Yin " and the " deficiency of spleen-Yang and kidney-Yang " were lower than the normal .

  4. 证与肿瘤标志物的相关研究本次调查的大肠癌晚期患者CEA浓度以瘀毒蕴结证最高,并依气血两虚证、肝肾阴虚证、脾肾阳虚证、大肠湿热证依次降低。

    Syndrome Patterns and correlation of tumor markers Patients with advanced colorectal cancer CEA concentration Ecchymosis Accumulation Type is the highest . And blood deficiency of both liver and kidney certificate , spleen deficiency syndrome , large intestine damp-heat syndrome in descending order .

  5. 结果:1.180例UC患者中医证型分布情况依次为:湿热内蕴证脾胃虚弱证肝郁脾虚证气滞血瘀证脾肾阳虚证阴血亏虚证,其中以湿热内蕴证为主,占全部患者的28%。

    Results : 1.180 cases of UC patients the distribution of TCM were : damp card weak stomach card Liver Spleen deficiency qi stagnation card spleen deficiency syndrome Yin and Blood deficiency syndrome , which damp cards , accounting for 28 % of all patients . 2 .

  6. 金匮肾气丸对肾病综合征脾肾阳虚证患者激素撤减的疗效

    Effect of Jinkui Shenqi Bolus during Hormone Withdrawal in Nephrotic Syndrome Patients with Yang Deficiency of Spleen and Kidney

  7. 结论:一、通过横断面流行病学调查,结合临床实践,提示出大肠癌晚期临床常见五大主要证候群为瘀毒蕴结证,大肠湿热证,脾肾阳虚证,气血两虚证,肝肾阴虚证。

    With advanced colorectal cancer five major syndromes group Ecchymosis Accumulation card , damp-heat syndrome large intestine , spleen deficiency syndrome , deficiency of both qi and blood , liver and kidney yin deficiency syndrome .

  8. 结果:1.调查问卷:提示肺脾气虚证、脾肾阳虚证、肝肾阴虚证、气阴两虚证、水湿内泛证等为临床常见证型。

    Spleen and lung qi deficiency , spleen and kidney yang deficiency , liver and kidney yin deficiency , qi and yin deficiency , dampness syndrome were studied as the most commonly seen syndromes in questionnaire survey .

  9. 中医证候方面,以躯体症状为主的更年期综合征患者以肾阴虚证为主,其次为肝肾阴虚证、肾虚肝郁证、脾肾阳虚证。

    With respect to the Chinese medicine syndromes , the majority syndrome in women primarily with somatic symptoms was kidney yin deficiency , and next was yin deficiency of liver and kidney , kidney deficiency and liver stagnation .

  10. 采用经典方法,分别复制脾阳虚证和肾阳虚证动物模型。

    Methods : The spleen-Yang deficiency and kidney-Yang deficiency in rats were setup by successive methods at the present .

  11. 脾肾相关的分子生物学基础&脾肾阳虚证模型大鼠自由基损伤的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Damage of Free Radicals to Spleen-Yang Deficiency and Kidney-Yang Deficiency in Rats by Molecular Biology

  12. 初发型以大肠湿热证为主;慢性复发型以肝郁脾虚证与脾胃气虚证为主;慢性持续型以肝郁脾虚证与脾肾阳虚证为主。

    Large intestine damp hair in the beginning of the main ; chronic relapsing to stagnation and spleen deficiency syndrome and stomach qi deficiency syndrome based ; chronic persistent to stagnation and spleen deficiency syndrome and spleen deficiency syndrome based .