
  1. 《老友记》特别节目的拍摄在美国加州伯班克的Stage24摄影棚进行。这也是华纳兄弟原来拍摄《老友记》的地方。

    Filming for the Friends special took place on the show 's original soundstage , Stage 24 , on the Warner Bros lot in Burbank , California .

  2. 以及在加州伯班克市华纳兄弟电影公司(WarnerBrothersStudios)连续四年的带薪暑期实习机会。

    and four consecutive paid summers at Warner Brothers Studios in Burbank , California .

  3. 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿、柯特妮·考克斯、莉莎·库卓、马特·勒布朗、马修·瑞和大卫·休默将回归华纳兄弟原来拍摄《老友记》、位于伯班克的Stage24摄影棚,庆祝这一2004年终结的长寿剧集。

    Jennifer Aniston , Courteney Cox , Lisa Kudrow , Matt LeBlanc , Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer will return to the original " Friends " soundstage , Stage 24 , on the Warner Bros. Studio lot in Burbank to celebrate the long-running series , which ended its run in 2004 .

  4. 美国宇航员丹?伯班克指挥空间站。

    American astronaut Dan Burbank is commanding the space station .

  5. 你想想在谢尔曼橡树园伯班克圣塔摩尼加这样的地方里

    Think about it . Sherman Oaks . Burbank . Santa Monica .

  6. 凶案组找到了昨天伯班克枪杀案的凶手。

    Homicide has more on yesterday 's Burbank shooter .

  7. 我发现伯班克市有一个击剑学校开有绝地武士教学班。

    So I found this fencing school in Burbank that has a Jedi class .

  8. 伯班克交通委员会主席保罗•戴森说增加电梯并不能提高安全性。

    Burbank Transportation Commission Chairman Paul Dyson said the addition probably wouldn 't improve safety .

  9. 两名女士与克林顿一起返回美国,在洛杉矶伯班克机场下机。

    The women returned to Los Angeles , arriving together with Mr Clinton at Burbank Airport .

  10. 伯班克的叔父是一位科学家。他多次拜访这位叔父,就在这期间,他开始了科学训练。

    Burbank 's scientific training came during the visits of an uncle who was a scientist .

  11. 一些抗议者后进入了限制区,伯班克警方对抗议活动采取了措施。

    Burbank police said they responded to the protest after some demonstrators went into a restricted area .

  12. 嗨,伯班克,有个威尔斯公园那边的人想要买保险,你去处理完这个案子。

    Hi , Burbank . I 've got a prospect in Wells Park I need you to close .

  13. 同时,他们在伯班克和卡尔弗城的还有排练大多数,他们只是在3天前,斯台普斯中心,他死了。

    Also , they were in Burbank and Culver City for most of the rehearsals , they were just at the Staples Center for3 days before he died .

  14. 奥巴马风趣地说道:“我会等到所有人都被投票赶下小岛。”这话把录音棚里的观众都逗乐了。该节目是在加州伯班克市录制的。

    " I 'm going to wait until everybody is voted off the island ," Mr Obama said of the Republicans , provoking much laughter in the crowd at the studio in Burbank , California .

  15. 为此,迪士尼在讯息的传达上颇为谨慎。来自美国加利福尼亚州伯班克总部的高管们不断强调,这个主题乐园是“原汁原味迪士尼、别具一格中国风”。

    To that end , Disney 's messaging has been careful , with executives at the company 's headquarters in Burbank , Calif. , repeatedly referring to the park as " authentically Disney and distinctly Chinese . "