
  1. 而Bing在中国搜索市场的份额很小,AI公司称它在前两家公司夹缝中,总份额只有2.2%。

    Bing 's China market share is so small that Analysys counts it among " others " that have a total of2.2 percent .

  2. SAP是第3家将业务过程平台建构于ESB,或具有ESB相似能力的平台(就SAP的情况而言)之上的主要软件厂商,前两家分别是IBM和Oracle。

    SAP is the third major software vendor , after IBM and Oracle , that has architected a business process platform on top of an ESB or , as it is the case for SAP , with ESB like capabilities .

  3. 我领导的前两家公司破产了!

    The first two organisations I headed went into liquidation !

  4. 此笔交易酝酿了8个月,发端于3年前两家公司之间的商业合作。

    The deal has been eight months in the making and emerged from business links between the two companies three years ago .

  5. 但一家原建房互助协会要求我在一年内与3家不同的分支机构打交道,由于母行的压力,前两家分支机构已经关闭了。

    But one former building society asked me to deal with three different branches in the course of a year , after shutting the first , then the second , under pressure from its banking parent .

  6. 而范德卢顿家虽然地位比前两家都高,但家道已经败落,成了残留在地面上的一抹夕照,目前能给人留下深刻印象的只有两个人物,即亨利·范德卢顿先生与他的太太。

    but the van der Luydens , who stood above all of them , had faded into a kind of super-terrestrial twilight , from which only two figures impressively emerged ; those of Mr. and Mrs. Henry van der Luyden .

  7. 周三发布的2015年榜单和报告显示,排名最靠前的两家公司,仍是去年高居榜首的苹果(Apple)和谷歌(Google)。

    The 2015 ranking and report , published on Wednesday , shows the top two companies , Apple and Google , are the same pair as last year .

  8. 上述交易达成前,两家公司刚达成一项协议:从今年四月起,三菱将作为原始设备制造商,向标致提供一款以欧蓝德为基础的新型SUV。

    The deal follows an agreement between the two whereby MMC will supply Peugeot with a new SUV based on the Outlander as an original equipment manufacturer , from this April .

  9. 声明发出前,两家公司曾表示正在为一项交易进行最后阶段的谈判。这项交易将会是电信行业急剧整合的大潮中最新的一次合并。

    The announcement came after the companies had said they were in advanced talks over a deal , which would represent the latest in a string of mergers in the fast-consolidating telecom sector .

  10. Allyou.com和InStyle.com与《财富》杂志同属时代公司,约6个月前这两家公司发布的招聘广告中都提到了数字原生代。

    All You and InStyle , which , like Fortune , are owned by Time Inc. , each ran ads that used the term digital native ; theads were posted about six months ago .

  11. Allyou.com和InStyle.com与《财富》杂志同属时代公司,约6个月前这两家公司发布的招聘广告中都提到了“数字原生代”。

    All You and InStyle , which , like Fortune , are owned by Time Inc. , each ran ads that used the term " digital native ; " theads were posted about six months ago .

  12. 在合并前,两家公司都收购了一些北欧企业,而英国占欧洲在线电影出租市场的65%,使得欧洲大陆其它地区成为一大机遇。

    Before the merger , both companies had bought businesses in Scandinavia , but the UK accounts for 65 per cent of the European online video rental market , making the rest of continental Europe an opportunity .

  13. 几年前西方两家著名杂志两次把马克思和爱因斯坦评为19和20世纪最伟大的思想家和科学家,说明西方知识界已经认识到上述显学的偏颇和局限性。

    Just a few years ago , two eminent Western magazines valued Marx and Einstein twice as the two greatest thinkers and scientists through the 19th and the 20th century , which shows that the West has realized the partiality and limitation of the above-mentioned theories .

  14. 全聚德在募股说明书中表示,公司希望通过上市来帮助自己扩展业务,运用所筹集资金提升食品加工能力、扩大在特许经营店中的投资,并在明年奥运会举行前整修两家位于北京的连锁店。

    The company is hoping that the exposure and capital raised from its IPO will help it expand its empire by funding increases in food-processing capacity and investing more in its franchised restaurants , as well as renovations in two of its Beijing stores in time for the Olympics next year , according to its prospectus .

  15. 两年前,这两家银行还联合推出了一款双币信用卡。

    Two years ago , the pair launched a dual-currency credit card .

  16. 在地震前,这两家工厂的产能占公司在整个国内烟草产量的三分之一。

    Before the quake the two plants had capacity for producing one third of the company 's overall domestic tobacco output .

  17. 接近合资公司的人士表示,根据内部时间表,经纪人将在今年年底前获得来自两家公司的大量资本市场产品,全面整合将在两年内完成。

    People close to the venture which is called Morgan Stanley Smith Barney said the internal timetable was to provide brokers with a large number of capital markets products from both firms by the end of the year , with a full integration within two years .

  18. 据《人物》杂志和TMZ(娱乐新闻网站)报道,他们二人几周前分手了。两家媒体都接到了匿名人士爆料。

    The couple split a few weeks ago , according to People magazine and TMZ , both of which cited unnamed sources .

  19. 他是在香港与香港交易所(HKEx)联合举行的新闻发布会上发表上述讲话的。一年前,沪港两家交易所签署了一项协议,拟密切合作,分享信息并共同开发新产品。

    He was speaking in Hong Kong at a joint news conference with Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing , a year after the two exchanges signed an agreement to co-operate closely by sharing information and devising new products .

  20. 去年名列前10强的两家欧企荷兰皇家壳牌和汇丰控股,今年仅分别排名11名和14名。

    Say goodbye to the two Europe-based companies in Top 10 last year , Royal Dutch Shell ( No.11 ) and HSBC Holdings ( No.14 ) .

  21. 他们补充说,有关房利美和房地美的声明,有可能赶在周一早上亚洲开市前发布。这两家房贷集团由美国政府支持,但拥有者为股东。

    A statement on Fannie and Freddie , which are sponsored by the government but owned by shareholders , could come before the opening of Asian markets , they added .