
pí náng zhǒng
  • Splenic cyst;cyst of spleen
脾囊肿[pí náng zhǒng]
  1. 本文回顾了9例脾囊肿的诊断与治疗,临床表现主要为上腹不适和脾肿大。

    Nine cases of splenic cysts were reported in the essay .

  2. 非寄生虫性脾囊肿3例报告及文献综合分析

    Non-parasitic Splenic Cyst : A Report of 3 Cases and A Comprehensive Analysis of Literature

  3. 结论:脾囊肿少见,目前病因仍未完全明了。

    Conclusion : Spleen cyst is not very common . Ths etiology is still not very clear .

  4. 脾脏的囊性病变:主要包括脾囊肿、脾内假性胰腺囊肿及脾包虫病。

    Cystic splenic disease : This kind of splenic lesions mainly include cyst , pancreatic pseudocyst and hydatidosis .

  5. 7例脾囊肿通过B超等影像学检查明确诊断,其中6例在手术后病理证实;

    The diagnosis of seven patients suffering from splenic cysts were initially made definite by beta ultrasonography among whom the lesions of 6 were confirmed by operation and pathology .

  6. 结果全组脾囊肿患者均行手术治疗,行全脾切除4例,其中保留副脾1例,脾片网膜囊内移植2例;

    Results All the 9 cases were treated with operation . 4 had total splenectomy , among which case with accessory spleen was reserved , 2 undergone splenic flake transplant ;

  7. 报告了6例经手术、病理证实的脾包虫囊肿的CT表现。

    CT findings of 6 cases of splenic hydatid cyst proved by operation and histology were reported .

  8. 方法需行脾切除术的患者20例,包括肝硬化继发性脾亢4例,脾假性囊肿1例,遗传性球形细胞增多症1例,原发性血小板减少性紫癜14例。

    Methods 20 cases underwent splenectomy , including 4 cases of hypersplenism secondary to hepatic cirrhosis , 1 case of pseudocyst of spleen , 14 cases of primary thrombocytopenic purpura .

  9. 结果:脾梗塞2例,脾囊肿4例,脾血管瘤2例,恶性淋巴瘤8例,转移瘤4例。

    Results : There were 2 cases of splenic infarctions , 4 cases of splenic cysts , 2 cases of splenic hemangiomas , 8 cases of splenic malignants lymphomas , 4 cases of splenic metastatic tumors .

  10. 方法从1996年4月至1999年7月,进行了13例LS,其中12例为原发性或继发性脾功能亢进,1例为脾囊肿。

    Methods Thirteen patients underwent LS between April 1996 and July 1999 , there were 12 cases of secondary hypersplenism and one case of splenic cyst .

  11. 部分脾切除1例,半脾切除1例,腹腔镜脾囊肿开窗引流3例。

    Had partial splenectomy , 1 had semi-splenectomy , 3 had laparoscopic fenestration and drainage for splenic cyst .