
  • 网络median age
  1. 实验方法一、临床资料:急性白血病52例(FAB标准),男23例,女29例,中位年龄37.1±13.8岁。

    Patients : Acute leukemia ( AL ) 52 cases , male 23 , female 29 , median age was 37 . 1 13 . 8 years , all patients were confirmed according to FAB diagnostic standard .

  2. 文章假定了三种单一政策:对中位年龄群体参与者最优的单一政策、对6个年龄群体参与者整体最优的单一政策和满足ABP偿付能力的单一政策。

    We assume 3 uniform policies : the uniform optimal policy for the median age cohort ; the uniform policy optimal for the 6 age cohorts as a whole ; the uniform policy meeting the solvency requirements for ABP .

  3. 方法回顾性分析21例胃肠道肿瘤卵巢转移的CT表现。年龄26~61岁,中位年龄41岁。

    Methods CT findings of 21 patients ( age range 26-61 years ) with ovarian metastases of gastrointestinal tumors were reviewed .

  4. 方法术前行盆腔CT检查的直肠癌病例59例,男38例,女21例,年龄36~80岁,中位年龄58岁。

    Methods Fifty-nine patients ( 38 male , 21 female , media age 58 , range from 36 to 80 years old ) underwent radical resection for rectal carcinoma after preoperative CT examinations were obtained .

  5. 结果13例均为女性,均为弥漫性非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL),92.3%为B细胞来源,7.69%为T细胞来源,中位年龄45岁。

    Results All patients were female with average age of 45 . All cases were diffuse non-Hodgkin lymphoma with B-cell lineage 92.3 % and T-cell lineage 7.69 % .

  6. 方法2001年1月至2004年12月,上海第二医科大学附属新华医院收治的106例中位年龄2个月(0.5~59个月)的HPA患儿纳入研究。

    Methods From Jan. 2001 to Dec. 2004 a total of 106 patients with HPA ( aged 0.5m ~ 4.9y ) were refered to this study .

  7. 结果男女之比4∶1,中位年龄57岁,68例(97%)为B细胞型淋巴瘤,5例(7%)伴有身体其他部位淋巴瘤。

    Results The male and female ratio was 4:1 , with the mean age 57.68 ( 97 % ) cases were B cell lymphoma and 5 cases ( 7 % ) were accompanied with lymphoma in the other organs of the body .

  8. 中位年龄39.24岁;血清E病毒VCA/IgA抗体阳性率30.00%阳性者中高滴度者占11.12%;

    While in the 30 non-cancer cases , the sex ratio was 1.00 , median of ages was 39.24 , positive rate of serum VCA / IgA antibodies to EB virus was 30.00 % ( only 11.12 % with high titers ) .

  9. 中位年龄36岁,最初所有病例均误诊为肾癌,4例为B细胞来源,中位随访时间为38个月,中位生存期为38个月(4~112个月)。

    Four cases were male and 1 case was female , the median age of onset were 36 years old , all of them were misdiagnosed as renal cancer , 4 cases were B cell lymphoma , the median survival were 38 months with median 38 months follow up .

  10. 方法:53例恶性血液病患者于2003年7月~2006年5月在郑州大学第一附属医院血液科接受PBSCT治疗,中位年龄37岁。

    METHODS : From Jul. 2003 to May 2006 , 53 patients with malignant hematologic diseases underwent PBSCT in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University .

  11. 方法:MCD患者5例,其中浆细胞型(PC)3例,透明血管型(HV)2例,均为男性,年龄43岁~62岁(中位年龄50岁)。

    Methods : There are five cases of MCD , and three of them are plasmacyte type ( PC ) , two of them are hyaline vessel type ( HV ) . Five cases are all male and the age from 43 to 62 year old .

  12. 结果:男7例,女10例,年龄19~78岁,平均429岁,中位年龄42岁。4例有手术史,2例有Gardner综合征。

    Results IAFs occurred in 7 men and 10 women with a mean age of 42 9 year ( range , 19 ~ 78 years ), four cases had previous abdominal surgery and two cases was associated with Gardner 's syndrome .

  13. 例,中位年龄34岁。

    The median age of the patients was 39 years .

  14. 全组中位年龄58岁,40岁以上者占90.8%。

    90.8 % of the patients aged over 40 years .

  15. 它们的中位年龄也会保持在较低水平-2050年预计达到38岁。

    And they will keep their median ages low-below 38 in 2050 .

  16. 结果15例患者中位年龄39岁。

    RESULTS : The median age of the 15 patients was 39 years .

  17. 其中男23例,女21例,中位年龄48.7岁。

    23 patients were man and 21 were woman .

  18. 中位年龄42岁(12-74)岁。

    The median age is42 ( 12-74 ) .

  19. 结果中位年龄37岁,中位病程4个月。

    RESULTS The median age is 37-year-old and the median course is 4 months .

  20. 全组发病中位年龄55岁。

    The mean age was 55 years .

  21. 患者全部为女性,年龄在25-87岁之间,中位年龄49.2岁。

    The age was between 27-87 , with a mean age of 49.2 years old .

  22. 共有1409名参与者,均为女性,中位年龄为45岁。

    A total of1409 participants were enrolled , all female , with a median age of45 .

  23. 年龄29-78岁,中位年龄为58±9.54岁。

    Age was 29-78 years old , with a median age of 58 ± 9.54 years .

  24. 中国在2020年中位年龄就会比美国更高,而2030年会则会超过欧洲。

    China will be older than America as early as 2020 and older than Europe by 2030 .

  25. 患者年龄30~79岁,中位年龄56岁。

    The ages of Patients were 30 to 79 years old , median age were 56 years old .

  26. 结果:患者中位年龄25岁(11~54岁);

    Results : The median age of the patients was 25 years ( range 11 ~ 54 ) .

  27. 再发癌发病年龄在44~93岁,中位年龄为60岁;

    The age of second primary carcinoma ranged from 44 to 93 old-year , the median 60 old-year .

  28. 结果尿石症发病的高危年龄段为30~50岁,其中30~40岁为高峰,中位年龄为41.9岁;

    Results The high risk age range of urolithiasis was 30 ~ 50,30 ~ 40 being the peak .

  29. 发病年龄为26~74岁,中位年龄为53.4岁;

    Age at diagnosis of HNPCC ranged from 26 to 74 years , the median age was 53.4 years .

  30. 无瘤生存病人手术时中位年龄为26.8岁,带瘤生存和死亡的病人手术时中位年龄为34岁。

    The median age was 26.8 years for survivor of tumor-free , and 34 years for survivor with tumor and died .